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xobabiphatox (profile) wrote, on 7-23-2003 at 9:54am | |
Current mood: aggravated Music: Beyonce f/ Big Boi n Sleepy Brown- Hip Hop Star |
*5 dayz till me n Todd's bday!* I am aggravated coz I was having dis cool behind dream dat I was singing a trio in the arts center, the song was beginning, Jalysa was about to let da first word out and my mom frickin woke me up! Jus to tell me she was leaving me 10 dollas for da laundromat unda my cell fone..why didn't she jus -do- it lyke she usUalLy doez! ahh..I tried dreaming it back but it didn't happen. I had another dream about ::ahem...:: (nooo not sex 4 all u ppl thinkin i prolly did coz y'all say i'm nastay lyke dat but i'm NOT icu) and then my alarm clock wasn't all static lyke and I -clearly- heard I Will Always Love You Courtney is also aggravated b/c she has nothing to eat Ooh yeah! I have my pasta!!! Yessss! My din din from last nite...den I'll get Chinese or da Jamaican food while I'm at da laundromat. Yayyyy!!! I'm smart! Mood: really frickin happy!!! I'm talkin to Stephanie on AIM rite now. Hmm...dat's da end of my bEyOncE Mizz Shany <...Ashanti ppl...) is on. Den...K-Ci & JoJo...Next..and yah. icu I saw suttin dat sayd remix ur playlist last nite and I can't find it! Mannn quiz tyme! hehehe... ![]() take the butt quiz. and go to why not visit the site of someone who made a quiz about butts? Oooooh I've been finding stupid quizzes lately but I frickin love them! I gotta go see what comment Steph left me so buh bye! |
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flyygurl214 | 07-23-03 10:13am Was i in ur dream too???
xobabiphatox | Re:, 07-23-03 10:19am shut up... |