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fadingfallenstar (profile) wrote,
on 7-23-2003 at 9:52pm
Subject: only so much I can take.
im so fucking pissed off. i hate my fucking dad, theres only a certain amout of time I can last with him constantly putting me down and making me feel like shit. he knows he makes me upset, and the bad part is I know he likes to see me sad. it pisses me off. its like nothing I do is ever enough, if I do anything its either wrong or he makes it sound unbelieveable that I did it. i dont know anymore. i just cant take it. im stronger mentally then he'll ever be...i guess its because of him so I thank him for that otherwise all Id really like to say is i hope his life is more satisfying in hell. i guess i should just go sit in my room all alone, that sounds really good right now.
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sounds like my life...., 08-07-03 1:18am

alright, so I know that this entry is a bit old, but I can totally relate! I'm so sorry that your dad is constently pissing you off. My dad does too! Anyways...hope things are going better....

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Re: sounds like my life...., 08-07-03 5:52pm

yeah it is pretty old, lol but thanks!

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