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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 7-25-2003 at 2:28pm
Current mood: accomplished
Music: 3 Doors Down: Away From The Sun
Had a little “Queer As Folk” marathon. Two days off work and spent both of them watching the first season. Josh borrowed the DVD set from some male friend, and I stole it from him. Excellent show. The humor is much more my style than what I normally watch. The editing is very good as well. They seem to capture very good facial expressions and always have the right camera angles. There is usually at least one bad actor in a series, but I noticed none, which is no big deal because of my low standards for that sort of thing, but it’s still an accomplishment. I just have the special features left to watch. I really want to get the second season now so I can continue watching, I also want to get Showtime, but that’s so expensive.

Lindsey came down yesterday for the kegger, she got here a little early so we watched some QAF. She seemed to enjoy it as well. Went over to Katie’s just before ten. Jackie and the entire house was there on the same night, the first time for that. Lots of neat people. I have usually been in an environment that always a few people have a problem with me being gay, at least in larger groups such as this. It was nice because not a single person did. A few cute guys, straight though. One guy brought a dog. Nice puppy, reminded me of mine. Not sure what time I made it home. It was fun.
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07-26-03 11:34am

Hal Sparks is the MAN!

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Re:, 07-26-03 4:29pm

And cute too.

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