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andi (profile) wrote,
on 7-29-2003 at 1:02pm
Current mood: happy/grrdified
Subject: so gay!
i've been having a TubuLAR time these past 2 weeks. It's been great.

Well i can't have a b/f at all n e more. Ppl get all jealous and angry and they get mad at me and my b/f. It's soooo stupid. i mean hey! I'm not going out w/ them and i'm free, so i can do w/e i please, so don't get Grrdified at me.

I hate it all! It's romeo and juliet all over again!

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right...., 07-29-03 7:22pm

well you can always go out with me....... OH WAIT! im already taken.ha. are you talking about you know who.that goes to our you know what. WELL DO YOU KNOW WHAT! i love you............... ( a lot).........(even more then a lot)............................................(i love you even more right now).............................................................(i could go on longer)...................................okay im done.......

Holla at ya dawg!


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