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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 7-30-2003 at 4:10am
Current mood: Jovial
Music: AC DC: Thunderstruck
Started on season two of QAF. Just finished episode eight. Too bad season three won’t be out on DVD for a while. I guess that gives me time to buy the first two. Maybe I’ll put them on my Christmas list. Although, it would be weird if my parents bought it for me. In one of the episodes they bring up the point that it’s demeaning to gays to be portrayed as sex crazed freaks. Which is slightly what QAF does. Sex is a very central theme of the show, and it gets very graphic in spots, they show everything short of actual penetration. But then I realized, there are shows like this for straight people: soap operas and such. This is very high quality to be compared to a soap opera, but it got me to thinking. If straight people can have shows like this and aren’t demeaned in any way, why can’t I? Eh, I like the show even if it portrays gays as sex craved freaks. It shows how close our friendships are and how we can still weed out the worst guys drunk or high. :-) I don’t think any other show has provoked so much thought in me. Most of it’s viewers probably don’t take it this seriously, but I think it’s helping me sort through shit in my head.

On a side note the Kalamazoo Menards is really a rumor mill. This week my dad is a part of the pit crew at Indy. I really dislike the job for some reason. I’m not sure why, all other jobs have had bad characteristics and I haven’t disliked them nearly this much. I want to find an internship; I think I’ll start applying again once school starts.

My parents are coming down the weekend of the 16th; we’ll see how that goes.

I got to clean duck shit off our kitchen floor this morning. Woke up and the side door is wide open. I had locked it before I went to bed. Josh asked if I was prone to bouts of sleepwalking. The way he asked it, it was as if he felt guilty. Maybe it was just because it was so weird. I'm just assuming it was duck shit. It looked like the same stuff that we walked past by the pond on the way to class. The animal that left it is nowhere to be found.
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Jovial..., 07-31-03 12:59am

I rememver when I first learned that word....

It;s a long story...


I went to "Ask Jeeves" and I asked if he was Gay... and he replied...

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Re: Jovial..., 07-31-03 11:41am

I asked him that too, but I didn't get that response

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Re: Re: Jovial..., 07-31-03 5:02pm

*Mr. Burns's voice

Who the devil are you?

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