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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 7-30-2003 at 12:12pm
Current mood: groovy :)
Music: Boys of Summer -Ataris
Subject: "I can see you , i see you walking real slow and your smiling at everyone, i can tell you my love for you will still be strong after the boys of summer have gone"
Ya know what, so far this has been the best summer of my entire life. I've barely been home it seems and just a lot of great things have happened. I met new people, did new and uh, strange things. I think this is the summer when i've been the most myself, not following in anyones footsteps or imitating my friends. its a good feeling knowing that im my own person, or at least getting there. Don't get me wrong there have been a lot of sucky days this summer, and hurtful feelings. But really i think i needed those days so i could see how great other things were. I hope next summer will be even better and im even more assured of myself! PEACE

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That sounds great!, 07-30-03 3:38pm

I'm really glad for you. I agree that the feeling that you know more about yourself is great. Usually we complain when people don't know us, it's difficult to know someone who doesn't know him/herself.

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thats real good, 07-30-03 10:11pm

I always be myself no matter who i'm around cause if you don't people will not like you for who your not and i would hate that .. anyways keep it up see ya later.

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