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xobabiphatox (profile) wrote,
on 7-30-2003 at 7:01pm
Current mood: refreshed
Music: STAND UP! & Aw Naw
Subject: tralalalalalaLA!...!...
I'm talking 2 Jivvy on tha fone rite now. Well..not anymore. Hot damn I <333 dis song! and I love LUDA 2! reppin ATL! :-)

You're sweet and innocent on the outside but on the inside you're one wild horny bunny!
Congratulations! You're a Bunny Hug!!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Aww *poo*

aiight dis is betta...

Heyyy...dis result is rite! B/C my nickname is *Cookie* so it must mean suttin. "I'm a tough cookie so...DON'T fuq wit me!" :-)

Heyy Jivvy didn't u get cherry? *yes i am stealing ur quizzes Cristina again...u noe u <333 me* :-)

Yeaaahhhh Cristina we both got da same pop-tart. Reppin de *brown suga* more ways den 1!

No more quiz stealing! {for tha next 37 minutes!}

I'm TEQUILA!!! omg! lol lemme see if da pic come up!

lol...I'm Cher y'all!

find YOUR drag persona

and go to where all the men wear skirts.

Okay..the first time I took the next quiz I was tha perfect lil blonde virgin..but now I'm not. Maybe I'm jus extremely horny or suttin or I lied in one of them or I jus remembered things...I really have no frickin idea! :-)

take the virgin-whore dichotomy quiz.

and go to where we're all studs.

My pickup line is:
Pardon me, have we met?
what's your pickup line?
| hey, baby.

*I think I am a quizaholic*
ughhhh ...I don' frickin's too hot in here I'm losin my common sense!

I'll bbl...u noe it.


Aahhh I took a nap & dreamt about him!!!

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07-30-03 9:41pm

Not with you takin ma quizes... werent u complainin 2 me bout dat???

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Re:, 07-30-03 9:51pm

i was requesting :-)

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Re: Re:, 07-30-03 10:12pm

hmph... requesting... i think not. And the next 37 minutes... STF up!!

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