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Hiei (profile) wrote,
on 8-4-2003 at 9:06am
Current mood: content
Music: hasn't changed
Subject: Cook? Or just a lost cause?
Today i took the liberty of cooking breakfast for my family. I think cookings fun and it may be pretty good for a career. I made pancakes (burnt) and eggs, and gravy (tasted like greese). Dispite the fact I worked so hard I was the only one to eat my breakfast. After that Ryu came over and I started an old game that I've had but never played. It's called Alundra and it's about this boy who does dream hopping, grave robbing, and of course (being played by me) kicks ass. And Yusuke can not beat me in tekken, for I am just too good.
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xD!, 08-03-03 8:28pm

You suck at everything u do don't ya. xD I can beat u in any game, any time, any where...simple as that. And if u think differ i request u take a reality pill and stop popin those pain killers.

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tekken im so good at that, 08-04-03 4:59pm

i like your entie is so kool but maybe you should learn how to cook the way you described it, it sounds yuk! anyways i bet you can bet yusuke at anything right? but can you bet me at tekken?

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Re: tekken im so good at that, 08-04-03 11:32pm

I can beat anyone in tekken!! It will be a blast if we ever get to play against each other. :D

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O_o, 08-04-03 11:33pm

Dewd... thats all I can say.... dEwd... wait... i had a burnt pancake once... i gotta flame now... YOU SUCK AT ALL COOKING YOU SUCK AT EVERYTHING THIS SUCKS THIS SUCKS. ITS SUCKS MAJOR... o.o; ok im done... nyaaaa.... peace dewd

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brownies...., 04-03-04 7:12pm

....i baked a cake today....and it looks like crap...but...if you scrape off the black parts..u..might be able to eat it...ok yeah, my cooking sux..but my brownies dont!!! (kud should know)...-is bored-

ja matte ne ^_^

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Re: brownies...., 06-28-04 11:28pm

Your brownies kicked ass at the play. ::stole all of them::

~Kud, the worst nightmare

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