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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 8-7-2002 at 8:16pm
...and a quiz
Beginning ;
What time is it: // 8:17pm
What is the date // August 7,2002

` Info about you ;
Full Name // uhh.. Vivi
Age // 16
Sex // girl
Birthday //December 20, 1985
Where do you live // Boca Raton, Florida
Where else have you lived // Massachusetts
Zodiac Sign // Sagitarrius
What school do you go to // ACHS
What is your mascot // Eagles
What are your school colors // green, orance & white
Nicknames //Vivilicious, Vi, Viviendo, Vi-ster
Where were you born // Concord, Massachusetts
What are your hobbies // look at my interests..
Hair color // black
Ever dyed your hair // nope
What color //
Hair length // long
Eye color // brown
Height // 4'11"
Have any pets // cat, Princess
What do you fear most in the world // umm lightning?
If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be // ahh too many things.
Do you have braces // nope.. straight toothed girl
Are you good at school // ick. no school haha
Shoe size // 7-8
` Favorites ;
Car // hmmmm i (heart) cars beary much... I think I have my heart set on the Porsche Carrera 911 turbo
Color // hmmm soo many sexy colors.. proly a charcoal black
Day of the week // Saturday
Holiday // christmas
Season // winter
Month // december
Sport // Soccer
Movie //Mallrats, Empire Records
Actress //Liv Tyler
Actor // Jason Lee
T.V. show // Friends
Food // anything Latin
Drink // Cherry coke
Male singer //um...i duno
Female singer // the chic from the Rockinghorse winner
E-mail buddy //umm heh i don't think i hafta answer this one ;0)
Radio station //ahh radios overrated
Room in your house // mine
CD // REEL BIG FISH- Turn off the radio
Pizza Topping // cheese
State // Hawaii
City // Maui
Letter // V
Number // 11
Vacation spot //Athens, Greece or Tolo, Greece
Cereal // honey nut cheerios
Ice cream flavor // mint chocolate chip
Video game //anything mario heh

` Your friends ;
Friends // ehh...
Best friend // ahh the 8 heh Jenn, Betty, Steph, Nadia, Brighton, Chris, Kevin, Izzy
Spend most time with // proly Kevin although hes leaving me :0(
Who do you have the most inside jokes with // Brighton

` This or That ;
Red or Blue // red
Pretzels or Potato Chips // chips
Jeans or Khakis // jeans
Comedy or Drama // drama
Computer or TV // computer
Gold or Silver // gold
Outgoing or Shy // outgoing
Tall or Short // most definately SHORT!
Breakfast or Dinner // dinner
Day or Night // night
Radio or Cd\'s // Cds
Internet or Phone // phone
98 degrees or O town // eww.
Guy or girl // guy
Sexy or Cute // cute
Tuff or wimpy // ummm something in between i guess
Strong or weak // middle ground
Funny or hilarious // funny
Summer or winter // Winter
Love or lust // love
Friends or family // ehh..
Car or truck // car
Dog or cat // cat
Walk or run // walk
Inside or outside // Inside
Hurricane or Tornado // Hurricane
Thunder or lightning // thunder
Rain or snow // Rain although i love the snow too...
Hail or sleet // sleet
Sunny or cloudy // Cloudy
Loud or quiet // quiet
Mcdonalds or Burger king // Burger King
Rebel or goodie goodie // rebel
Coffee or tea // tea
Coke or pepsi // coke. pepsi promotes that evil bitch.. Britney Spears ahhh
Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper // dr pepper
White chocolate or normal chocolate // normal chocolate
Britney or Christina // Christina
Chocolate or vanilla // chocolate
Diary or journal // JOURNAL!!!
Writing or typing // typing
Cold or hot // cold Pen or pencil // pen
Candle or insence // candle
Plain paper or lined paper // lined
Blonde or brunette // brunette
Curly or straight //curly.
Blanket or sleeping bag // blanket
Shower or bath // Both.
Body wash or soap // body wash
Purfume or Body spray //perfume
Hamburgers or hotdogs // hot dogs
Great America or Universal Studios // universal studios
Pochahontas or Mulan // Mulan <- power 2 the azn chics!
Swimmer\'s ear or ear infection // swimmers ear
Pop tart or toaster strudels // toaster strudel
Chicken or turkey // turkey
MTV or VH1 // Yuck!
Shorts or pants // pants
Tank tops or t-shirts //tanks
Mandy moore or Jessica Simpson // Mandy Moore. I (heart) A Walk to Remember
Rich and dumb or Poor and smart // i don't know. i don't deal with stupidity well...
Markers or colored pencils // markers
Boxers or briefs // boxers
Nike or Adidas // Adidas
Mercedes or BMW // BMW
Orange or grape // Orange
Lime or lemon // lime
Striped or plaid // plaid
Innie or outie // innie
Hot tub or sauna // hot tub
Land or water // water
Sneeze or cough // cough
Skittles or M&M\'s // ummm skittles i think
Truth or dare // dare

` Which way would you spell it ;
Megan or Meghan // megan
Lacey or Lacy // lacey
steven or Stephen // steven
Kurt or Curt // kurt
Mark or Marc // mark
Brandi or Brandy // brandi
Eric or Erik // eric
Corrine or Carine // corrine
Kari or Carrie // Karrie
Jackie or Jackqui // jacqui
Deseray or Desirae // desirae
Ashley or Ashleigh // ashley
Their or there // their
Two, too, or to // two
Here or hear // here
` Love life ;
Do you have a crush //yes
Whats his or her name // wouldn't you like to know ;0)
How old are they //umm 17
How long have you liked him or her // heh seems like forever doesn't it?
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be // i duno.. too many beautiful men. Shane West maybe
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be // umm i duno
Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee // dumper
Do you think there is a person for everyone // yes
If yes, do you know who yours is //heh. as crazy as it might sound yes...
Do you believe in love at first sight // no
Have you ever been in love // question should be how in love am i now?
What do you think love is // everything its characterized to be and soo much more..
Do you have a b/f or g/f // not exactly
Do you want one // not really.
What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f // he is just.. incredible..
When was your first kiss // umm summer b4 6th grade

Past ;
First grade teacher\'s name // mrs. york
Last word you said // uhh...
Last song you sang // Brown Eyed girl
Last meal you ate // dinner
What did you hate most about school // Everything
Last person you flicked off // Sharif two days ago.
Last song stuck in your head // One Hope
What line/verse // "to be only yours i pray and i know now you're my only hope"
Present ;
What\'s in your CD player // Lagwagon
What color sox are you wearing // white w/red strawberries
What\'s under your bed // haha my whole world? heh
What\'s the weather like // HOT!
What time did you wake up today // 6am
Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time //earlier,
Future ;
Who do you want to marry // i know who i'm marrying.. no need in wanting to marry anyone else..
Are you going to college // most definately
If so, how long do you want to go // However long it takes
Where do you want to go // haha where do i want to go or where i'll realistically go? I fell in love w/Cali schools soooo hopefully somewhere there.. if not then proly UF
What is your career going to be // haha a bartender :0) j/k i duno
Where are you going to live //Hawaii first then Greece
How many kids do you want // if i have kids then 2
Kids names girls //Aeris <3 Kids names boys //not sure yet. Definately NOT Sepiroth though lol
Where do you want your honeymoon // Hawaii
What kind of car will you have //something nice but practical

` Have you ever ;
Smoked // no. never will
Been Drunk // not completely
Been high // never
Done drugs // no. Stole // once when i was 6
Stayed up all night on the internet // welcome to the story of my life..
.Met someone off the internet (in person) // many times
Been in a cat fight //haha you could say that i suppose
Wanted to kill someone // every day
Fell off a chair // haha Vivi's life part deux

` Other ;
Do you like your handwriting // its okay..
Which superhero would you be // i duno
Do you have any piercings // ears & belly button
Any tattoos // will one day :0)
If so where are the piercings // ehh already told
If not, where and what do you want // Are you picky // a bit
What makes you cry // ehh cry me a river haha
What makes you mad // ignorant people
Do you like cartoons // they're okay
Do you believe in heaven // its something positive so yes.
Do you believe in God // yes
Do you think there is a hell // proly
Do you believe in the devil // i don't know
When you get mad, do you swear a lot // i try to control my anger
Do you have a magic 8 ball // a talking one!
Ever worn black nail polish // yep
Do you have your own tv and vcr // nope. don't watch TV much
Do you believe in fate // yes.
Do you see dead people // no
Are you a good speller // sure
Do you ever steal anything from hotels // hehe guilty
What is your last name backwards? // narT
Do you want to be the first person on the sun when you grow up? // no. sun = mucho hotness

` What Do These Words Make You Think Of
Frog // prince
Carol // Christmas
Solider // army
Star // emo
Ticket // cops
Breakfast //fruit yogurt parfait yumm
This or that ;
Florida or California? // Cali's soo much cooler then lame Florida
Sprite or 7-UP? // 7-up
Mountains or the beach? // both. thats y i'm guna live in Hawaii
Savage Garden or BB Mak? // who? ohh Savage Garden did that chic a cherry cola song!
AIM or MSN Messenger? // AIM
Geography or Math? // geography
Leonardo DeCaprio - hot or not? // eww.
Private schools or Public schools? // public for me. Email or Phone? // phone
Baseball or Basketball? // eww
Do you like quieter people or extremely outgoing people? // quieter cuz then our personalities would clash & i don't get along w/em
Sun or Moon? // moon
Christmas or Your Birthday? // christmas/bday it doesn't matter.. 5 days apart..
Blue or Purple? // PURPLE like my PURPLE CONVERSES!!!
Creed or Blink-182? // o christ. two horrrrrrible bands!
Gelly Roll pens or Milky Pens? // um.. theres a difference?Gap or Limited 2? // gap haha even though i fit in2 Limited 2 clothing ;0)
Bath & Body Works or The Body Shop? // Bath & Body works.. my Express credit card works there ;0)
Australia or Africa? // australia
Flirting or a good conversation? // conversation. my converstions always involve crazy flirting
Which is scarier: tornado, hurricane, or earthquake? // earthquake
Middle School or High School? // High school by far!
Wavy/curly hair or straight hair? // wavy/curly
Blue eyes or Brown eyes? // blue
Gelled hair or un-gelled hair (for guys) // gelled
Nintendo 64 or playstation//umm
Guinea Pigs or Hamsters? // both smell
Bikinis or Tankinis? // bikinis
Hawaii or the Bahamas? // Hawaii

ending time~ 9:47pm

Post A Comment


Your obsessed with Jason Lee too?, 08-07-02 10:09pm

Why did we not discover this sooner? Have you gotten to the point where your friends are scared to mention his name around you for fear of your reaction?... O...yeah...well, me neither.

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Re: Your obsessed with Jason Lee too?, 08-08-02 3:11pm

She just left that in there from the previous filler of the fields. She doesn't have a favorite movie star...

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Re: Your obsessed with Jason Lee too?, 08-09-02 7:23pm

haha Jason Lee is sooo hot! BRODIE! Snoochie Boochies!

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08-07-02 10:21pm

Favorite IM buddy: Anyone but Dustin, ah ha ha ha ha!

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