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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 8-6-2003 at 4:59pm
Current mood: pissed off
Music: Suicide Machines-I never promised you a rose garden
okay just got home from the mall with linsey, it was pretty neat. we saw jack and tyler and they actually talked to us -gasp- haha i made linsey go into hot topic 50 times harhar. well i finally got the cd i wanted and i got some shirts and ther shit. well apparently paul told linz to not hang out with me anymore, im sorry but thats fucking BULLSHIT. she can hang out with whoever the fuck she wants! well anyway, me and linsey were talking about how punk is a trend and that theres all these posers and shit, im not one to judge i mean do whatever you want. it just kinda annoys me...oh well. yeah last night i spent the night at linseys, it was fun i love her baby puggles. OOO GREAT SONG sex and violence sex and viloence..lalalala
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08-06-03 11:57pm

wow! well i hope u had a good day anyway!! haha <33 ya _slider_

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