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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 8-6-2003 at 7:23pm
Current mood: content
I cleaned out my closet today. Yeah, It wasn't many pieces of clothing more than it was the barbie crap I haven't played with in like 7 years (trust me, it took me 2 hours to get down to the "level" in the pile where they were). Total i have 2 trash bags of trash and like 7 bags for the garage sale this weekend. Oh boy.
Oh, and I can garuntee that me, sam, laurel, julia, and amy are all going to get leied this weekend. :). I bought us some leis for the garage sale, well, i mean if you participate for a while.....remember, i do also have face

Anyway, I played tennis today, tomorrow I"m going to one of the clinics, tryouts are next week. I think I'm going to end up somewhere around 10 or 11. I like my backhand, it's pretty powerful.

I had real chinese for the first time that I can remember. mmmm. yumm.

Well, as for the issue that was bothering me in the below journal entry, I've decided just to let things become what they become. I was the one who started it in the first place anyway. Anyway, see ya later everyone.
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08-10-03 3:09pm

save one for me and call me to tell me about your 'exciting' weekend. or actually i'll just see you at band tomorrow but bring that lei ok??

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