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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 8-8-2003 at 1:22am
I’ve been spending some time cleaning and doing laundry. House is still a disorganized mess, but most of the dirt is gone.

Josh is a dumb ass. He left the oven on. Not sure how long, but ever since I got home, until I went into the kitchen to make myself dinner. So at least two hours, and then some. I think it was closer to about 8 hours when he usually eats lunch. I just hope he doesn’t burn the house down.

Watched the re-airing of the OC premier tonight. I actually really enjoyed it. Not extremely heavy on meaning, although it does have some points, it’s just an overall good program.

Josh should be in Canada by now. This is a really nice feeling; he’s out of the country.
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08-08-03 3:40am


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