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andi (profile) wrote,
on 8-9-2003 at 12:04pm
Current mood: blank
Music: chevelle send the pain below
Subject: yo ho
Ok so last night I was talking to Tubularchick. She's a neato kinda gal. I told her that what she did at cali's sleep over i found rude. So she got mad i guess. Another person mad at me, let c that makes it....3 now? Boy i'm on a roll.

I was talking to Germany last night. We were writing a song together. He's a great kid but he can be a player. My dad and sister were fighting. I don't know what about but it made her cry so it had to be bad. It 's hard to make her cry in a fight w/ anyone. So yeah. Her b/f was right there too on the couch.They fought at 2 am. Sux dude, it sux major monkey blue bum's b/c it's her b-day.

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_Blah_, 08-09-03 6:47pm

One correction, I WAS mad, as in past tense. No worries just 2 ppl mad at you. And yes Jeremy is a player, is that news to you??

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Hey, 08-10-03 3:49pm

Yeah Jeremy is a Player!

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