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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 8-9-2003 at 4:58pm
Current mood: fat
Music: the rain
Subject: yay
Hey, just got home from the mall with lou, dani, and linsey. it was great fun we found lots of hot boys hehe and i beat dani down for her cookie sample haha it was funny stuff. well i just got some shit from hot topic. well anywho last night we all slept over at linseys as a kinda party thing for her new house and we decided to call ashley, not to be mean just cuz we were bored or what not. well the girl FLIPPED OUT and her uncle calls me and was cussing me out and threatening me and shit, i have to say though it was pretty damn funny. i mean we werent even saying anythign mean!!! all we said was 'hey its eric im smoking my bong" ....its not as if we were being mean or anything..oh well i think ashelys a little too sensititive. thats all, I LUV ALL YOU GUYS!!! bitch, go make me a turkey potpie.
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08-09-03 9:16pm

SORRY, i flipped out but i asked u guys not to call, i was gettin in trouble and ya'll wouldnt stop callin, what was i s'possed to do?!? nehow, later

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