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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 8-11-2003 at 3:02pm
Current mood: stressed
Music: Ataris
Subject: 1st day of joyous school
okay just got home from the first day of school. actually not that bad, almost fell asleep in most of my classes though...yup thats highschool for ya. oh well, i have classes with everyone and my lunch is kickass it has linsey, carrie, willis, jesse,annalou and nora. yeah and yearbook seems like it actualyl might take some work....which kinda sucks i have to sell 500 dollars worth of advertisements eh. oh well I CAN DO IT. okay peace out...did i really just say peace out?
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08-11-03 7:36pm

we do it!

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08-11-03 7:36pm

we do it!

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