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Mizu87 (profile) wrote,
on 8-12-2003 at 1:11am
Current mood: hungry/calm
^^ well, lets see.

I woke up around 6:45 I believe and listened to the CD's (Japanese/Anime) my friend had sent me. Than I was all relaxed and my dad opened the door and said 'I'm going to town, want to come?' -.- So I got up and ready. Went to K-Mart and found _nothing_ that I liked -.- (talking more to Kud than the boys ^^')

_anyway_ got home and listened to music and drew ^^ (it truned out to look like a girly boy or either a flat chested tomboy -.-') than my 'parents' went off to the casino -_-+ with the money that I didn't spend -_-++

Soo.... when they left I turned my Japanese music up really loud and went into pout mode ^^' and got on the internet and went to the forum forum forums ! ^^

-.- parents got home went back to my room and listened to music and drew somemore than got bored and went outside and sat... ^^ sat in the chair and ... looked .... o_o just blankly stared at nothing ^^' than I got bored and went inside and got my paper and a pencil and went back outside and sat.. ^^ and drew our fence and than tired to draw the dog >.> but it looked like an over grown rat so I erased it. ^^' so I relaxed and it was surprizingly not too hot ouside (like around 90o with a very cool breeze) Started getting aches so I got up and streched and climbed our tree o.o bear foot -_- not gonna do that again T.T my hair got stuck on a branch and when I leaned my head towards where my hair was being pulled I got poked in the side by another branch -_- the tree didn't like me today. ::shrugs::

Got down went to my room turned some music back on and went to writing absolutly nothing important and than my friend called and I went over to her house to look at Avon stuff (what girl doesn't like Avon?) and 2 of my other 'friends' was there and we had lots of fun ^^ (was only going over there to order and ended up staying still FLCL came on... like 3 hours) anyway I ordered some Haiku (try it Kud) and some 'other' stuff. Gosh my friend's uncle is c.u.t.e. ! ^^ that's why my other friends was there -.- you could _sooo_ tell ^^' (that's the reason everyone wanted me to come ^^) and omg his doughter is sooo funny ! She's like 3 or something and you look at her and she Cracks Up!! :D it's sooo funny! She's soo cute and she's Spainish and doesn't speak close to no English! (her mom speaks English and her father... well I haven't heard the cutie say any English words ^^)

Anyway, I didn't want to miss FLCL (I know, show over friends, but hey school is starting up in 2 days) I just _had_ to tape it ^^

Well, than I got on and ^^ well you know the rest, typed up this.

Oh! Someone write graffiti on our neighbors house !!! (like one word in red... witch I can't read cause it's all... weird looking ^^') That is soooo wrong ! >.< I mean I don't like the old farts but they are our elderly and should have atleast more respect than that ::dissapointed look:: that was just plain wrong.... anyway that's about it I guess.... :\

Ja ~
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08-12-03 4:17am

lmao thats funny as hell about the tree xD guess it tried to eat u or somethin xD. o_o i kinda wish school was sooner so i can get it over wit y'know. So we can have another great summer :D. o_o; if our school system wasn't so screwed up i'd be startin school today x_x :D not ready that soon. o_o the 27th is good enough. well ttyl o.o/)

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Reply ~, 08-12-03 1:48pm


Dang the 27th...
-.- that doesn't sound screwed up to me ^^'

oh the tree >.>
I don't know, I tired a piece of cloth to the top so I would remember how far I went up ^^' but I could get half as close bear foot -_- besides all the branches I broke off grew back ...


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