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xobabiphatox (profile) wrote,
on 8-14-2003 at 12:18pm
Current mood: blah
Music: Ludacris and DTP crew- Growing Pains
Subject: hmm..

I made dat @ da website up above ^... So Ray has a journal huh. Yuki gave me anotha pink av, and Wary gave me a pink stool, they're so nice! =D My back hurts for some reason {need support..hint hint} but yeah so I am -not- running within the next two hours.
Don't take mah starz yo!
But anyways..hmm hmm hmm ..what a girl wants..what a girl needs...lala. HA! I have a name for my site! I'm off!! Yayyyy! =D

~Senorita Pookita

{lol Yuki}

I changed the mo dolls
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08-14-03 12:37pm

:O a kindred pookie!

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