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munkysaurus (profile) wrote,
on 8-13-2002 at 1:53pm
Subject: There's a slug on my finger...
I hate the way a replacement blade for a Mach 3 razor will just have a field day with your face. Sure, it's a nice, close, and smooth shave, but is it worth the accumulation of dents, dings, and cuts that result in the end? I have enough of those as it is. No, seriously.

Yeah, well, Episode 2 of "Dustin Survivor". I'm stranded at my Cedar house, with little to do, and lots of obligations. Figure that one out. Maybe I could get a time-slot on ABC, or NBC, whatever channel Survivor's actually on.

It's not easy to crawl back under my rock. Does anyone have a stick or something to pry it from the ground?

Slight modification* my Aunt Beth had a baby yesterday. So, congradulations to her.
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08-13-02 2:03pm

no hide. join my Vivi coilition lol

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Re:, 08-13-02 2:32pm

lol. Viva la Vivi.

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Re: Re:, 08-13-02 2:44pm

live the vivi :0)

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Re: Re: Re:, 08-13-02 3:42pm

thaz right.

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