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TBoblp (profile) wrote,
on 8-16-2003 at 12:45pm
Current mood: happy
Wow, I had so much fun last night. Kelli's mom (her mom is my best friend) invited me to an open mic night at The Loft in boca. I brought my acoustic and ended up playing four songs with kel's stepdad on sax, moms fiddle teacher's husband onm guitar and another guy on banjo. It was so great and I can't wait to go back. I also had the best guitar lesson ever today. Me and Mark practiced harmonizing and the cool comment for today: "you sounded like david gilmour on another brick only without the delay pedal". I will take that as the third time hes said i sound very professional in a row...oh yea. Guitars rock, and ducks quacking at 2:30am is really weird, kel.
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08-16-03 1:58pm

Mark and I

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08-16-03 8:38pm

i thought *i* was your best friend!
minus 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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hehe, 08-16-03 9:31pm

yes i thinking i might have to have a talk with them ducks..they were purty said it smelled like somethin was decomposing maybe theyre havin a sacrifice or something. who knows..glad u had fun, i did too...bizzle is the shizzle. :)

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08-16-03 5:25pm

The duck was Fedorov. You missed your shot bro.

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08-17-03 3:50pm

Rose: me, mark, and im a lesbian

Megan: my best mom friend! youre still my best supercool friend!!

Kelli: Yea i shouldve known those ducks were up to no good, quckin at 2 am!

Dave: i dont know how to respond to that, lol

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