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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 8-14-2002 at 6:27pm
.. where to start.. geez.. its school lol

1st day of school. umm it was a white day so I have chem, band, eng & bio. Chem was stupid, I felt stupid.. umm band was lame, when i went 2 go grease my slide the bell rang (figures) um english.. christ. The first day and I'm already failing lol theres NO WAY I passed that quiz ehh... stupid book... Bio... we took a stupid mock AP Bio exam.. I was really really tired & couldn't get past question 50 cuz i was falling asleep. Fun I know lol

ummm.. school again. back to the same old bull crap..::sigh::

tomorrow is the first green day of a year.. should be uhh. fun? lol yay. okay done.
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..., 08-14-02 7:25pm

Ur day > My day

so ha! or something...

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Re: ..., 08-14-02 8:12pm

ehh. your day musta been super shitty if it was < than my day.... i'm sorry :0(

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hm.., 08-14-02 7:36pm

You probably should have been reading that book more this summer!! And you probably should have gone to bed earlier more often if it was gonna effect your school work...

Now I feel bad.. :-(


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Re: hm.., 08-14-02 8:09pm

it was my own fault that i didn't read that book.. don't try to take the blame for it.. i wouldn't trade any second of the time i got to spend with you <3

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Re: hm.., 08-15-02 9:51pm


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Re: Re: hm.., 08-16-02 5:59am

That's true in two ways... :-P

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Re: Re: Re: hm.., 08-16-02 3:42pm

whats true in two ways?

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Re: Re: Re: Re: hm.., 08-16-02 3:45pm

The picture is Vivi... and you're Vivi!

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08-14-02 8:02pm

Keeping your clothes on could have helped a little more too. j/k. :)

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Re:, 08-14-02 8:08pm

lol you know you like it :0) you pervert Dustin.. gawking at my naked body day and night ;0P

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Re:, 08-14-02 8:17pm

yea, spend less time tonguing other chicks n reading the english book. lol, haha, i like to tell myself that was my prob for not reading it. lol

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i am new, 08-14-02 8:19pm

i was wondering how do change my settings bc i am new to this site plz help me

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Re: i am new, 08-14-02 9:12pm

i would love to help... ask away lol well. i'll try to help and if i can't i'll find someone that can help you :0) welcome to woohu!

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ergmf, 08-14-02 11:11pm

hmmm. im sorry you had a bad day. but we never crossed paths so i never got a chance to witness it, much less try and cheer you up. sooorrryyyy. hmmm perhaps i shall see you tomorrow? okay then! byebye!

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I believe you once said that no one leaves cool comics in your journal. Wellllll...., 08-14-02 11:27pm

Poop in a sock

I no like you!! I do mighty kung fu kick to head!!
I look like a shoe Attack! Attack! Its a Nightmare! <3 muh casualties

i dont like you either! i shoot gangus khans at u!
Woof. this has nothing to do with the story.

Since when is there a story? im the cleaner man
GAAAAHHH I HATE YOU DIE!!!! wooooshhhhhhh

muahahahaha i win!! ......i think....wait...
Moral of the story: eat yer veggies not yer friends

Create your own NES Comic

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Re: I believe you once said that no one leaves cool comics in your journal. Wellllll...., 08-15-02 9:27pm

Cary... you're the bestest :0) hehe that little guy looks like "Vivi" from FF lol i still haven't seen you :0( I saw Josh once on the 1st day and Sara like twice buttt Cary none :0( I actually haven't seen a lot of people including lots of IB peoples :0(

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