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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 8-18-2003 at 11:44am
Current mood: frustrated
Music: Blink-182 "Adams Song"
Subject: I don't care anymore.
I am so damn pissed off I could my arm off and beat all of you with it! I am sooooo frustrated and annoyed. I just wanna.....arghh I dunno.

Well yesterday Jess came to the beach with us. It was pretty fun. We talked about everything on our minds. Which I really needed cos I've been so mad, and stressed lately. I was about to ...argh

"Look that man's going to purpouse!"

"that's a bra...that's a bra...that's a bra..."

"THe bridge is broke!"

"watch out, there's a dead fish!"

ughh this fucking scholl is gay! I'm moving to Greenville, with normal people! I think...

I don't want to back to school yet, I'm not going to homecoming, that's udmb. WHy is it so damn earlie!!!! arghhh

I'm gonna go befor eI get too mad! <3 Jess
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08-18-03 1:14pm

when is your guys homecoming?

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