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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 8-18-2003 at 9:18pm
Current mood: crappy
This has been a bad day. I lost 1 singles match, won 1, lost 1 doubles match, won 1. So, i got a bronze at our invitational, well, and a tshirt. Anyway, but on my first singles match i hurt my back, i was going for an overhead and it bounced so i was going to do it backwards and i pulled a muscle in my back. It really didn't hurt that bad throughout the day because i never really had a change to stop and be like, do i hurt?

Anyway, i got done with tennis at 4:15, came home and ate and got ready for band at 6. By then i still didn't have time to worry about my back, but it was getting a little tight/sore/hurting. Anyway, so i get to band and we do rehearsals standing up, it sorta hurts. We go outside and do block. It was ok until i started traversing, and i had to try to stretch it, it hurt so bad i almost started crying. And we kept doing crap over and over. Then we did elimination block. Again, traversing was a bitch and i was basically crying. I was thinking of just saying i couldn't do it anymore and sitting out, but then i didn't want to look like a pussy, so i kept at it. Then we did a back marching elimination block. We did it two times and i still wasn't called out, even though was doing really good. Then i guess roman had marched the clarinets so that they were right in back of us and dani gave us the order to march back-so i did, and i ran right into a clarinet who basically elbowed me in the back where it hurt. So i pushed her out the way and said "BITCH" really loud, well, because it hurt, and i went to my spot. Well, then it was time for a drink- and i was basically balling by then and i went up the girl and apologized and miranda told me it wasn't her it was roman. So it was ok, then i talked to some people and finished marching rehersal. My back hurt like a bitch and i was going to sit out, but really sitting doesn't feel much better, and the freshman really really need help to get where they are going, so now i am sitting here writing this drugged up on aleve. It still hurts like a bitch.

Anyway, i have practice bright and early tomorrow and then team pictures, i hope it goes away, i don't want to be on the injured list. That would suck balls.

Anyway, i hope everyone had a much better day than i did.
Lots of love (and pain),
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08-19-03 4:06pm


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