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punkxtrixie (profile) wrote,
on 8-19-2003 at 3:18pm
Current mood: none...really...dont have anything to say...
Music: rufio :: face the truth
Subject: blahness..
Some tings about me…not in any particular type of order…

1. I’m easily bored. In work, at home, even my at school.
2. When I’m really tired, my muscles start to twitch to the point of distraction. It’s a cross between the shakes and a minor convulsion.
3. When I was very young, I had very blonde hair. Now my hair is very dark brown, but no one knows it.
4. I had an imaginary friend when I was younger, named George.  He looked exaclty like Robin...from Batman you know...who could resist him?
5. I have a tendancy to listen to a song that i like...over and over, and it doesnt bother me at left coast envy..i even have a playlist with just that it repeats it over and over.
6. I had my first job when I was 11, i worked for shoots and any acting jobs that would hire me, oh and by the way...JRP sucks ass!
7. I dont know how many words that i can type per minute...maybe i should count...
8. I was once stupid and when i was five decided to shave my arms...i dont know why, but to this day...there is no hair on them.
9. I think that tampons hurt like a bitch.
10. I believe in love at first sight.
11. I’m pretty sure I could spend $1 million in one day or would at least like that chance to be proven wrong...and while we are on the never proven wrong...ask someone...especially sean, hes never proven me wrong, and if he has...ive thought a way out of it.
12. I once spent like 78 hours with one person, they just happend to look exactly like kenny from tsl and be really cool...and nothing came out of it.
13. I once had two different guys buck fucking naked in my living room. And I’m not sure why. And nothing came of that either. I’m an idiot!
14. In my mind’s eye, I view myself as average build, even though I know I’m not.
15. I cant handle pain very well, only certain types of pain.
16. My favorite memory of my Dad leaving.
17. I once rode a horse while it was pissing.
18. I only snore when i have a stuffy nose, but i tend to talk in my sleep..hehe.  :]
19. As a young child, i thought that being proper was very stupid, but now...ish kinda coolsih! ...kinda not too...hmm...
20. I was very jealous of my friends Sarah and Stacy, because they were sisters about 18 month apart and had two of everything. Their bedroom was like a mirror. And everything was Avon and smelled so good.
21. When I was in middle school, I went through this phase were i decide to pick pocket ppl...i dont know why...i just did...i had about 20 dollars by the end of a week...i felt like shit i gave it to this homeless guy who lived across the street.
22. Like an idiot, I’ve always fallen for the bad boys!!  really...ask anyone...epsecially sean...i love you!
23. I learned HTML all on my own. I’ve never taken a course, never read a book.
24. I’ve shattered my ancle all because of those stupid rollerblades...skateboards rock man...never roller blade...
25. When I was in preschool...i would have these times when i would make myself zone out on not sure why...but anyways, id just stare at something...and eventually forgot what i was doing and just be staring at this one!
26. about 66% of my friends throughout my life have been girls...and then the other 35% guys...which ish mostly because...i like guys!!! i dont want to be FRIENDS...lmfao...anyways...
27. I met the love of my life on the computer...pathetic i know...but my moms the same way  :D!! mother like daughter i guess...lmfao...scariness...
28. I usually like History class...but this sucks!
29.  Punk music ish my passion...i wish i found it sooner.
30. I’m a closet bathing suit fanatic....i dont know just obsessed or someting..even though i look like shit in a bikini...i dont care.
31. 95% ofall my movies were given to me by my mom..and i love all of them.
32. I have a measly 450 songs on my computer and I have 5 or 6 times that many pics on there. I take pictures constantly!...or download ones of kenny of course! woo!
33. I am in love with fairies and fantasy, especially the art.
34. I was a major tomboy and a wannabe grease monkey. My favorite toys growing up were the parking garage for my hotwheels and my wrecker. That was when i was im a girlie girl...i know..blah...
35. My first bike was a pretty little tricycle thingymabob...then i guess it wasnt a bike...haha...oh well...
36. There used to be this little private beach by the beachouse my mom and i would stay at all summer while i was in elementary sneak over there and sleep while she wasnt awake at night.
37. I had a dog named chloe...poor little bitch...shes in anger management...
38.  I love thunderstorms (secretly of course) and rain of any kind.
39.  I'm obsessed with making my journal look purdy! especially the links...have you seen them!?...go ahead...put your mouse over the them change! wooo!
40. The summers of my days at NRSP were spent in the back of the lodge...not outside on the baseball field...only three ppl know what i did last summer...lmfao...
41. I once watched this show on something i cant remember what it i cant remember what i was gonna say...oh well! lmao..
42. I would die for only one person in this whole world, i love them more than i love myself, my mother, and my family, no questions asked.  I will never forget them.  *You Know Who You Are*
44. When I was 12, i had my first a dumbass...and ive never smoked since, and i never will, i sometimes reach for the alcohol though...
45. I’m very afraid of being alone. Both on a physical and emotional level. I’ll do whatever’s necessary so that it doesn’t happen.
47. During the week, I need at least 7 hours of sleep to function. On the weekends, I can get by on 4 and survive on 2. Why ish that?
48. I usually like to be in control at all times, EXCEPT when intimacy is a factor.
50. I fall asleep while driving. I also fall asleep while at the computer for long periods of time...haha rach! i hate you! im turning into you!  lol..i love ya twinny
51.  Im going to go to NY to do runway..i dont care what anyone says, its my time to shine.
52. I only want to have children with one person in the world...i know he doesnt feel the same, its ok though, and i only want the names we've discussed.  I want to live where we've discussed to, i want to marry him, no questions asked.
53. I have no qualms about killing someone if the need arises. I would also think nothing of fighting to the death to protect someone I love.
54. When I say ‘I love you’, I mean it. And more often, I mean it without saying it.
55. In most of my dreams, I am the hero. I am strong & able, cunning & witty & I always save the day. The rest of my dreams are about food, friends, boys, clothes...whatever pops in my head.
56. Someday I want to own a very large fish tank with exotic tropical fish. And I want to put the tank in my bathroom....thats right! so i can watch the fish stare at me while im pissing..hehe...i also plan not to pay for the fish..but to steal them from the hawaiian waters where i plan to live...hehe!
57. I desperately want to ride on the back of a motorcycle...dont ask me why...i just never have yeah...
58.  i have a thing for mohawks...and piercings
59. I have a VERY vivid imagination. On the same token, I’m also very creative. Someday, when I design my own house, I’ll be able to imagine what it looks like.
60. I’m easily entertained. I can laugh at most anything, but im generaly a very depressed person.
61. If I could change anything about my life, it would be my location and the people in it.
62. I hate teacher sucks...
63. if i had only two days to live my entire life, id have sex, eat whatever i wanted, go skydiving, skuba diving, swim with dolphins...something stupid like that, burn down a building, go see the one person that makes my life worth living, go see a movie, go to warped tour, jump out of a plane, ride a roller coaster, see all my family and all my friends, confess my true feelings, change the world in some doesnt matter which way as long as ish good of course, and then, id die with the one person i love most.
65. I once drank an entire bottle of benedryl...its supposed to make you sleepy...i didnt pass out...i didnt get sick
67. I have a fine tuned memory for certain things. I’m amazing with dates & numbers....and i can repeat back an entire convo sometimes...
68. im a huge procrastinator...and im not very organized...oh well
69.  i want to kiss someone with their tongue pierced...particularly i certain person...*you know who you are*
70.  i want my lip pierced BAD
71. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be italian gmas chicken parmisian...
72. If I died tomorrow, my greatest possession would be all my music...cds...everything
73. I once made a middle-aged woman pee her pants laughing. I think that is an especially triumphant accomplishment.
74. I’ve been told that I give very good back and neck rubs. I’ve given several back rubs that last until my hands have given out....haha...
75. The heroes of my life are linda v, whoever invented the guitar, whoever thought of marshmellows and my mommie
76. I rely on my sense of humor & internal strength to get me through anything.
77. I love to flirt. I learned to flirt through waitressing and will generally flirt with anyone who i find attractive...
78. I love pickles
79. I wake up each morning, no later than 7:30. I don’t always get out of bed at 7:30, but I always wake up then. I don’t generally need an alarm.
80. I’ve spent my last three years doing absolutely nothing that really matters all that much to me...i wanna move out really bad so i can do something with my life
81. I doodle nonstop
82. I don’t really like change…unless it’s a good change…but if it’s not ….yeah…
83. I also remember the exact moment I found out that Santa Clause wasn’t real. Megan and I were playing hide and go seek and we found all my presents…then my mommie lied to me…yeah…how sad now that i think about it..
85. My very first concert ever was warped tour with my friend and her older sis
87. I don’t need glasses :D
89. They wanted to take my tonsils out when I wash little…but I was scared…so of course I said no…and yeah..
91. I seem to have strong connections with my very close friends, because we often times think the same thing at the same time. and I do believe in esp …or whatever….
92. My family is exactly 50% irish and 50% Italian…and did you know when you say irish in the word processor…it says that is misspelled…now how did that happen?
93. I actually like history…
94. The most profound moment of my life was visiting the coast where all the pirates used to sail and then crash on our not sure why..I was like seven though…so yeah…
95. I bought my own skateboard!!!!!!!!!!…haha…that’s not the best accomplishment…but oh well…
97. More than anything, I want to live in paris, London, and some place in italy…probably rome…

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meow, 08-25-03 5:05am

whitney you are one strange person. lol. you know I love you. when you say "irish" in word processor it says its wrong cause the "i" needs to be capitolized. like "Irish". Yep... true, true. <3ness +Daina+

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codes... lalala, 08-25-03 5:16am

those codes you were talking about in rach's journal... I KNOW THEM! WOO! Yep... I know more HTML than the average person. GO ME! Sorry, I was bored. I'm pretty sure you were talking about the HTML codes at least. Yep... if I'm wrong on me, give me a name-tag, and on it write "loser". Heh... woo! Yeah so if you ever need any HTML help just ask me. AND AND AND I commented twice soooo you can't say no one comments... cause I did! Unless I'm no one. Which is understandable. lol.

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Re: codes... lalala, 08-25-03 7:31pm

i am not that much of a strange person!!! am i so weird? insulted now....and you called me *whitney*...only my father (who is nonexistant) calls me that...but if he was nonexistant, which he definetly is, then i guess he doesnt call me going to see tsl! so happy right now...i finally got aol back, and im gonna see *uberly hott* kenny...AND AND AND i LOOOOOVE just hit me...i stomach hurts now...what if he reads this...he will know that his gf loves him...this is just sad. i should tell him, why am i telling you and not him? ...this makes no sense...oh well, and dont talk to me when my font is dark purple and bold...its my sis...not me! do not be fooled by her childish tricks!...blah...oh well...i think ima go now...i *lurf* you all...with all my heart...well not really...jason has my heart...but know what i mean.
i need a new way to sign my siggys

you know you love me,

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