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mizu87 (profile) wrote,
on 8-19-2003 at 10:50pm
Current mood: sleepie/lazy/kinda hungry
School was tight. Gahhh frigin computers was boring as heck -_-+ can't stand our teacher. Got some science homework (dah) and I got my math done but I have a few questions to ask the teach tomorrow.

Went to the girls game and watched my friend Laura play (she pitched) the boys game started like 45 min after the girls so I walked over there so I could see Billie ^^ and Aaron (:9 Billie)

My chest started to hurt so I just wanted the games to be over (girls and guys would play two games each today) The first boys game wasn't even over yet and I didn't know how long I could wait cause I just wasn't feeling good at all. I asked and my friends mom wouldn't let her drive me home so I walked down to the girls feild and asked my other friends mom (Laura) if she would drive me home after Laura was done pitching but she said she would after the game. (girls had just started their 2nd game) so I sat and I was waiting cause the girls play a heck of a lot faster than our boys.

Anyway my frineds mom came to pick her up and I got a ride with them. The boys lost to the 'run rule' they friggin lost 14 to 0 (zero) or something like that. They didn't even play a second game.
-.- man our boys sux.

Anyway, got home and had to do the dishes and crap before my mom got home. Took a shower, ate, TV and than got on here after I munched on some candy that is now killing my stomach. :| Libra's are know for their bad eating habbits ::shrugs::

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08-20-03 1:34pm

-_- I can't wait till school is in. Theres nothing to do when no ones on and everyones at school x_x. :;sighs:: but i'll soon be pleding for school to be out. -_- I wish we had that school system where we got 9 weeks and get of for 2 weeks. Or atleast once just to see how it is.....maybe not summer is good. -.- just not all the time, the only things to do now are work, watch tv, work, internet (if anyones on which there isn't) sleep, eat, work, sit around. -.- I do notice i put work more then cause its true. My mom seems to find me work to do like its nothing.She takes advantage of me over the summer makeing me do all the cleaning x_x "I work all day and come to a dirty house?" she says -.- "well i don't have a job i just turned 16 so how can i work" i reply. "well since you offer you can clean the bathroom too" she says. me: (-.- ;) thats just how it is now.....-.- but i can't really do anything about that. e_e!! ::shakes fist::

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08-20-03 4:59pm

xD !!!

My Mom does that too!!!

I worked all day and the house is a mess! Get off your lazy ass and do the dishes!!! Make me some coffie.

-_-+ I'm like ::type type type:: (on the computer) ^^'

I'm not 16 'yet' and I have noway of getting a job cause all of them are taken, cause this is such a small town. >:| not fair~

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