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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 8-17-2002 at 7:43pm
Subject: heh ...
exitboot: lmao.. was it just your away message that got so many people going to your journal or are you hyping it up now as well?
onelonelystarrrr: what?
onelonelystarrrr: lol
onelonelystarrrr: lots of people went?
exitboot: 5 people have viewed your journal in the last 10 minutes.
onelonelystarrrr: awsome! lol
onelonelystarrrr: its cuz they love me :0)
exitboot: hah
onelonelystarrrr: what you don't believe me?
exitboot: hah
onelonelystarrrr: heh. i wouldn't either ;0P
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mwahahaha, 08-17-02 10:56pm

It was probably me and Alex...dont get too cocky :p

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