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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 8-23-2003 at 3:15pm
Current mood: depressed
Music: Dasboard Confessionals
Subject: crying
i have never cried so hard or for so long since, i don't even know when. i am not the type of person who feels sorry for herself and crys over stupid commetns made by stupid people, but morgan you hurt me. you hurt me so much and i don't think your realize it. you sat there tearing me down, pointing out my every insecurity and shoving them into a spotlight. i am sorry for whatever i did but therre was no excuse for that. i thought you were my friend, someone that i could trust to tell me when i did somethign wrong, NOT to tell me what a teribble person i am. right now i feel like such shit, that i dont deserve andrew or anything good that happens to me. maybe it would be better if i just slowly blended in to the background, lost among a sea of faces that no one ever notices. .......
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08-23-03 3:38pm

AND I THOUGHT I WAS A SCHMUCK!! morgan, if you are reading this, i will hunt you down and kick you in the teeth, because you have made emily cry. emily is a super hot, super amazing chick who deserves nothing but happiness in her life. YOU JUST WAIT UNTIL I COME TO FLORIDA!! Muahaha
eX-0h Em!

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awwww ernest, 08-23-03 5:10pm

don't listen to her! that was a very bitchy thing to do! and everything that she called said you were, i would not be best friends with someone like that. i wouldnt even talk to someone like that. don't listen to her. you are a great person and nothing was true that she said. I LOVE YOU!!!!

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ERNEST!, 08-23-03 10:59pm

you are my boy! dont listen to what shes saying. obviously she doesnt know what shes talking about cause you are the coolest kid ever! dont cry. dont let anyone make you feel like you dont deserve what you have. you deserve the world. i love you, ernest!

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08-26-03 9:50pm

i dont think that morgan meant to hurt you. maybe what she said was true, maybe it wasnt, i dont know the whole story. you're a nice person and i don't believe she would try to bring you down so much where she hurt you. you do deserve what you have and don't ever let anyone tell you differently...
<33 a girl

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Re:, 08-27-03 5:52am

morgan if this is you, thats lame if you can't say that to me in person.

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Re: Re:, 08-27-03 2:45pm

actually its ashley... sorry it was lame

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Re: Re: Re:, 08-27-03 2:50pm

oic thats super

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 08-27-03 6:55pm

yes im sure... i was just trying to be friendly.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 10-05-03 8:33pm

well u know what emily your fuckin lame

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