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DarkSwordDancer (profile) wrote,
on 8-23-2003 at :49pm
Current mood: cold
Subject: Life just keeps on throwing punches.
OK i am officialy pissed at life,i just seeem to stand back up only to be smacked onto my ass again;life wont stop throwing punches.Ok today i was on my way to go get my hair cut for school ,ashley is driving im sitting in the passenger seat and my little bro is in the back.Well we are just driving along when all of a suden i hear this big metal scraping against metal sound as we scrape the shit out of the passenger side of the car we where in and hit the side view mirror off of this car parked on the side of the damn road.You woulld think this was all but noooo you see the car we are in is not ashleys car nor is it my car but lo and behold it is ashleys BOYFRIENDS car .Now this still would seem ok but nooooo ashley MAY get her drivers liscence revoked due to 4 friggin other tickets in the last month and some not even because of her. Well at least i got my pants and shoes for school these past few days but still.......
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...., 08-23-03 10:22pm

Ok.... I know that accidents suck and all... but, why was ashley driving that close to the car???

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Re: ...., 08-24-03 1:47pm

she was swurving over to miss the car that was coming on the middle of the line.

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