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andi (profile) wrote,
on 8-23-2003 at 9:54pm
Current mood: chip,chip,chipper
Subject: chipper
So i had a party here tonight. it was ok. I was glad that i had mike,amanda, and jared w/ me or i would of been sooo bored! hehe...

So this weekend comeing up, amanda and I are gonna c Twisted Method! Also, we are gonna meet them and ask questions, it's gonna be "sweet" as amanda would put it. lol.

I ahd Annie and Amanda here it was grand. Alan came and scared us by runnin in the window. It was great. He's soooooo HOTTTT! He played my drums too. It's great. I love him sooo much.

I have to do the stupid biology report. Grrr...Another one. I hate it. Well grrrr people grrr.

O dude, My friends and I snuck out last night. We went into a house that was gettin built and we hanged around there. It was fun. They left Mike and I alone for an hour. Just to let u know Mike and I didn't just talk.......hehehe. and he.

Amanda, Anne, and I kept freaking eachother out. It was just dandy like candy. hey! I like that. I'll use it. Don't take it! hehe(amanda).

Ok well i'm gonna go and do my stupid report. Later cheese nits that aren't cheese or a nit.

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lolz, 08-24-03 12:36am

who so you love so much????lolz!sounds tubular!!

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