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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 8-20-2002 at 9:36pm
Hi. well... I have a new found hate for football coaches etc. grr. ask a band person, they'll explain or maybe i will later. We marched 2 hrs through the rain today.. I was soaked and it was crazy cold. Fun let me tell you... ummm ... i'm on the phone w/Chris now "aka" Country or my big bald friend cept hes not bald anymore.. lol. ummm Chris says this isn't profound enough.. i'm guna go find something to do . later. <3
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08-20-02 9:59pm

i heard that it was funny, and he was all up in merkels face...teehee...

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Re:, 08-20-02 10:20pm

My lack of musical talent causes me to miss so much :(

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Re: Re:, 08-21-02 4:11pm

you could learn to play something in the pit heh.

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Re:, 08-21-02 4:11pm

yeah. it was not soo amusing at the time though.. i was SOOO pissed off!

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Re: Re: Re:, 08-21-02 4:39pm

I can clap!

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 08-21-02 4:53pm

yeah shut up.. i can give push ups :0P

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08-20-02 10:04pm

oh come on, ya cant tell me you didnt think that was cool as hell when that dude started yelling at the band. i loved it, and was cracking up. i think you all just needed to chill, like me, cuz it wasnt that big of a deal....but it was funny to see merkel throw a homosexual hissy fit. lol

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Re:, 08-21-02 4:10pm

i don't really agree.. i think Merkel really stepped up by fighting Tillman.. I mean its not very Merkel like and I have soo much more respect for him now

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08-20-02 10:10pm

merkle: "this is uncivilized"
coach tilman: "i think you need to stop talking to me, sir."

i hope they all fucking di.e .


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Re:, 08-21-02 4:09pm

that was incredible <3

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08-20-02 10:55pm

how would vivi like to hit up laser quest on saturday night so she can get beat to high heaven by me !

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Re:, 08-21-02 4:09pm

haha you only wish that you had the mad laser quest skills that i possess haha NO WAY you'll beat me :0P KaLyPsO represent haha

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Re: Re:, 08-21-02 4:59pm

whoa whoa whoa...who do you think you are little asian girl?
im so gonna win...
i cant wait...

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Re: Re: Re:, 08-21-02 6:40pm

I own at anything...except Cricket...fucking Cricket...

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