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Beagle147 (profile) wrote, on 8-25-2003 at 8:21pm | |
Current mood: Hesitant Music: "I'm still here" -John Rzeznik Subject: French Club Started today... |
| started French Club. It was so weird not having Nikki there!! I really want to run for an office, hopefully historian, but I'm not really sure. (note "hesitant" mood.) I really want to win the election. People in French club reading this, vote for me! I really need to get like a leadership position in some kind of extracurricular activity junior year. So someone talk me into this please... On another note, I have seriously started thinking about college. Laerengathawae: hehe, thought it was UF for you? Beagle1427: I thought so too.. And I did. I just at this point do not feel like closing out my options. Also, I'm kind, REALLY getting sick of being Will's shadow. Believe me, "Aren't you Will's little sister?" questions get old real soon. I do realize that since UF has like 35,000 kids, and that we would be doing different subject areas, this would not be asked that much up in Gainesville; however, it's still the same principle. I'm just getting really sick of following whatever the hell he does. Ok, I'm stopping writing about this now so that I dont go all out about it when this thing is being published. I'm sure that you get the picture from what I've already said. Anyway, to make a long story short, I have pretty much moved my #1 choice school to the University of Pennsylvania, and here's why. It's an ivy league school, which for those of you at pope, is GOOD. (I'm just kidding guys! dont hurt me!) It does have most likely the best veterinary school in the country. If the question "why does that affect Lauren..what, does she wanna be a vet or something?" is running through your head right now, this journal is probably not your choice reading material. Anywho, when it breaks down, the better undergrad you go to, the better vet school you get into. The better vet school you get into, the better internship you get. The better internship you get, the more job opportunities you have, etc. This also makes Penn good. And I really feel like Penn is something to strive for. I was just kind of growing complacent with the "settling" for UF. I mean, I realize that UF is a really good school and also has one of the best vet schools in the country, but it's just kind of given that I will get in no matter what I do, as long as I do IB. I'm kind of getting sick of that. At this point, with my advanced case of junioritis, I need an actual reason to do IB. It needs to get me somewhere that I would not get just taking AP classes. While I realize that IB probably won't get me anywhere that just AP classes and decent SATs will, just let me have my moment, ok?! Getting back to the real point of this part of the journal, there are very few things that I see wrong with Penn for me. On top of the list I just wrote out that are pros, Pennsylvania is where I wanted to end up anyway, although most likely not in inner city philidelphia. However, those few things that are bad are significant. There is the money issue. While the undergrad school you go to is important, it may be better to go to UF for free, get better grades than I would at Penn, actually get credit for the IB crap I'm doing now, and save that money for vet school. I'm still throwing this around in my head as I am frantically searching for any and all scholarships I can find that would pertain to me. This is a lot harder than you would think, because, after all, I am a white girl from Boca with two parents. This is one of those times that that is a disadvantage.. The second issue of going to Penn is it's a BITCH to get into. Come on. It's a freaking ivy league school. I just do not know right now if I can get in.. But I do have some advantages in this area. #1. My dad worked at the university for a few years. #2. He has connections from having worked there for a few years. #3. My grandfather graduated from Penn. This is huge.. Not only does it give me an advantage getting into the school, but my interest in going to the school my grandfather went to makes him like me more. lol. So...where was I? Oh yes...still on the getting in part. One of the main issues that I am trying to deal with immediately is the lack of many AP classes for me this year. I think I was really stupid to have taken Chem II. I think that another AP class would really give me another advantage as far as admission goes. It would just look better. Just for some background, here's my rationalization for having chosen chem 2 in the first place. The course does have another month of teaching than AP chem. I basically took that as a good time to learn good-er than I would in ap. Think about it. If it's basically the same course except a little slower, then I figured that my understanding of the material would be much better, which would be good, due to the UNGODLY AMOUNT OF SCIENCE I WILL HAVE TO TAKE IN COLLEGE. ugh... But it will all be worth it, since I really like zoology and whatnot. Second on my rationalization for taking chem 2 was that I did not actually take a step back and look at my schedule as a whole in terms of what classes I'm taking until I got my schedule a little before band camp. I know this sounds so stupid, and it is, but I had no idea until school started that with chem 2 I would be taking only 2 ap classes. All that I had been going off of was everyone's tales of junior year from hell. I figured that having one less ap class would significantly reduce the stress level at the end of the year, which it will. I just do not know that 3 ap tests will send me over the edge. I seriously think I can handle ap chem now, so I think that that's justification enough for me to switch into it.. Maybe? See, this is more of the hesitant mood. I am so unsure at this point of anything. So confused.. Anyway, I'm making an appointment with Ms. Kelly tomorrow and also talking to Ms. Swanson after school. The one thing that's really holding me back into chem 2 is that I like my schedule, but in the long run, I dont really think that that should determine this kind of a thing, especially when it could have direct influence on my college acceptance. I'm hoping to figure this all out with Ms. Kelly and/or Ms. Swanson tomorrow-ish, but any and all suggestions you guys make in the comments will really help. I'm just at a really confused time right now. This would be when I need massive amounts of ideas and suggestions from my friends, not counting Kristen not wanting me to leave her in chem 2 alone w/ danny. Thanks guys, I appreciate the help now. |
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DragonSpeaker | 08-25-03 9:33pm *poke* Run for office in French Club. I'm convincing you to do it. Really, I am. XD
Anonymous | 08-25-03 9:36pm Definitely run for a position in French Club. I have to find something too... hmm...
Anonymous | Re:, 08-25-03 9:39pm -.-;; It didn't let me finish.
Anonymous | Heyy, 08-25-03 10:08pm Omg i didnt know how much u hated to walk in Will's footsteps...well obviously u wouldnt like it. I resent the comment u made on pope who go to pope =( lol well i g2g and finish my homwork! luvyas xoxo Kim ps I GOT MY PERMIT! WOOO (as u already know lol) iam just soo excited! |
Beagle147 | Re: Heyy, 08-25-03 10:19pm Ok, let's see here, just for argument's sake. pope who go to pope ah huh...didnt know you had THAT many people with funny hats that go to your school kim! LMAO! you also forgot the 't' on the end of WOOO. (That was just for Kristen.) Sorry bout the criticisms in this comment, just had to do it. People at ATL need to understand a little bit more about the Pope population, and the over-generalizations made about them. Unless they are talking about Steph. Then all the generalizations are true. ;-) |
noodlesinabag | Sorry girlie, 08-25-03 10:43pm Again, pertaining to your UPenn plan.
Beagle147 | Re: Sorry girlie, 08-25-03 10:51pm I like my options w/ #6. That's the one I'm sticking with. Tomorrow when I go talk to Ms. Kelly I'll see if I can add that on my four year plan. Oh, and as for #4.......HA!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I think first I have to make it into third hour amy.. #1 again does not leave much room for a knee injury I'm afraid, although I probably could kick the crap out of Brett Favre anyway. That's about all I have to say, except what is up with you and Nikki and posting things twice?? :-P |
noodlesinabag | Sorry girlie, 08-25-03 10:43pm Again, pertaining to your UPenn plan.
Anonymous | Which class to take, 08-25-03 10:48pm sounds like you should try and figure if you really need an ap chem. Veterinary school is more involved with biology so maybe chem two wouldn't help you that much. The only reason i see taking ap chem is too increase your chances in getting into Penn Univ. But you should also decidede if Penn is the right school for you...if it is well maybe chem two wouldn't hurt to increase your chances(i don't know). It also sounds like your schedule is stressful but it seems small in the scheme of things if this will affect your future college life. |
Beagle147 | Re: Which class to take, 08-25-03 11:02pm Thanks Gary. (for those of you who don't know gary, this is my cousin from Pittsburgh) I think that I'll be able to deal though, and I think it really will enhance my chances of getting into UPenn. I really appreciate ur perspective though since you dont really deal with the same day to day crap as the rest of us down here and are not quite as insane. o_O And while veterinary school has a hell of a lot of bio, it has almost as much chemistry too. It's for like all the medication administered and whatnot. Also, I am still considering whether penn is right for me. I've not yet thrown out UF, but those are my 1 and 2 choices as of right now. |
day2day145 | way to be accurate w/ the "mood" column, 08-25-03 11:04pm why is it that when you tell people to comment they do, and when i tell them to they don't? you must be scarier than i am or sumthing. o BTW this is Hannah, so now u know my journal name so COMMENT ON MINE and that's an order!
Anonymous | yo, 08-26-03 5:07pm Hey! Long time no see. I was very surprised at your sudden change of attitude. You seem to have gained determination, strong work ethics, and a bright outlook for the future overnight. Of course, I will throw in my two cents.
Beagle147 | Re: yo, 08-26-03 8:14pm Hey nikki. I realize what I'm getting myself into with AP chem. It's going to be a lot of work, but everyone seems to think I can do it, and I trust their opinions. I'm going to write a journal as soon as I am done w/ this comment and write all about today. As for UPenn, I have done my homework, which is why it seems to many that this has come up rather suddenly. I did not want to be all pro-UPenn and then decide that the school is crap. I know that you think Philidelphia is one of the four corners of the earth, but I was born there, so I think I have a pretty good idea about it. While the school is in inner city phili, I think I can hold my own. Plus, everything I need to know about it is just a phone call away to my grandfather, who went to the business school and gradiated w/ honors. (notice, I no longer say labary or tomorri) I might get a job too! But a better one than retail. I picked up a job ap at the vets and I'm giving it to them this saturday. Wish me luck! |
Anonymous | Re: yo, 08-26-03 9:31pm hehehe... when has nikki not put in her two cents? |
Anonymous | i don't like woohu, 08-26-03 9:27pm as well all know i'm not too big of a fan of these online journal thingys but here goes
Beagle147 | Re: i don't like woohu, 08-26-03 9:54pm Thanks Krystle! I know how hard that was for you, but soon you'll get used to it because you can comment on my journal for me EVERY DAY! :D I'll definitely check out that website when I get a minute. (I promised myself I'd go to bed tonight before 10:30) And I will definitely hold you up on that club thing. If I dont make historian in French club, I'll need another extracurricular!!! So I'll take your advice and just try my best. What else is there.. And thanks for the bible verse too. That one's "a keeper." I'll ...remember it or something. I'll bring it to the next First Priority meeting that I actually go to.