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DarkSwordDancer (profile) wrote,
on 8-27-2003 at :02pm
Music: She only smokes when she drinks
Subject: .....
This is interesting watching you people.You argue and argue without really TALKING.I know its none of my concern and you can go ahead and say that but if you are all so mad at each other talk and listen or read. Its not my place to say who is right or wrong and im not going to but if you do get one thing from reading this is tred carefully.Dont break something that you dont mean to because thats what i think will happen,thats all that ever happens in fights. Dont get me wrong im not saying hug and make up,just becarefull.
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wise words..., 08-28-03 12:24am

Yet I doubt anyone will look hard at them...

(reply to this)


Re: wise words..., 08-28-03 9:02pm

thank you and i know...

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