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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 8-30-2003 at 9:09pm
Current mood: crushed
Music: Simple Plan-Perfect
Subject: ~*~hehe~*~
I want to fall in love with someone who is so sweet they bring me flowers when I’m sick on my birthday. I want someone who will leave silly notes that will make me smile in my biology book. I want someone who will go shopping with me, even though they hate to shop, but will do it for me anyway. I want someone who will come over to watch a movie on the couch in my pjs with me instead of going out with all of our friends to the movies. I want someone who will sing me my favorite song when I forget the lyrics. I want someone who calls me and listens to my complaining, my hopes and wishes, my fears, and me into the wee hours. I want someone who will tutor me in math, but most of all I want someone who I can fall in love with over and over again just at the sound of their voice.

I think part of me, a lot of me really wants all that. But a part of me also says at the my age all it’s about is horomones and no matter how it happens in the end, I will just get hurt. No matter who’s making the final descion. And a part of me says all a arealtionship now will be based on is phscical attraction. Not that it isn’t important, because by all means we all know it is, it isn’t shallow, but you clearly can’t be with someone you aren’t attracted too. I have strong beliefs, that I’m very proud of. Yes, sometimes they make situations and times difficult but nothing good has ever just come, you have to work for everything and that’s what makes success, friendship, relationships, grades, sports, ect. feel so damn good.

I don’t believe in pre-matrtial sex. I mean cleary it’s not too un common these das. I just have been brought up, and because of certain events in the past, and what I represent, I believe if you truly love someone with all your heart, that kind of love you’d die for, that you can wait to sleep with the guy of the month. A month is month, a year is a year, four years is four years. But forever is the rest of your life, and eternity. Just because condoms were invented doesn’t make it okay. I mean think about it evertime someone is willing to lose their virginity their also willing to change and most likely ruin their lifes and the life of the child involved. Then do you ever really know if the reason you stayed with that person is because you gave them your innocence that you can never get back, or is it because you really love them. Sex is a figt that I personally think should be shared between two people so in love they don’t mind waiting till their married when you can honestly say that hes my one and only forever! I want it too be special just like I know it should be. Now days that’s the crazy idea, instead of vice versa, sad huh?

There are so many things I want. I want that guy, I want my dream car, perfect grades, I want my 1600 meter relay time to be better than Bigney’s, I want my mom to stop being just a strict freak all the time, I want puppy’s to not get teeth till their like 20 so they don’t chew up shoes, and everything else, I want life to be the fairytale that everyone wants.

But having Jess to always tell me she’ll always be the closest person, the person who is my bestfriend, my sister, the person who I can relive all my memories with because she was there, my bestfriend who knows all about me and loves me anyways. To have Andy as someone who by all means can fill the shoes of my older brother, and bestfriend. To always listen, always give advice, and always care assures me that I don’t need to worry about him turning into a “prep” lol when me and Jess start pushing each other down stair cases and laughing. to have Cass as my bestfriend who I can always laugh with and cry with. To know she’s opened up to me and to hear I have someone who cares, loves me, and will always be there on my bad days. To have Shea to always cheer me up on a bad day. To have Katie just walk up and give me a big hug and know I always have someone to turn too. To have Linds as someone to me nutty and dumb with lol that I don’t get judges around and always be told I’m loved. To have Patty who is such a dork, but I love her so much. To have Taryn as the sweet girl I still see as Tare that after all this time I still feel so close too. To have Shelbs , Cramer, and Bigney who are just crazy, but some of the sweetest people. And to all my friends that I couldn’t live without. They are the ones that make my life more of a fairy tale than I could ever have being a singer, or big actress. ~*A friend is someone who know’s you and loves you anway~*~
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08-30-03 9:34pm

we have to go to homecoming, we'll have fun.

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