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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 8-31-2003 at 6:29am
Current mood: sore
Music: angel-amanda perez
ouch...i just got into a fist fight. lol the first time i go out in 3 1/2 days and i end up gettin into a fight. anyways this is what happend...i went to wal-mart with my family and all of them but taylor left and so taylor and i went and looked around and we ran into one of her little friends, and the little kid actually started to cus taylor out. so i told tha lil kids sister to get her away from taylor and tha fuckin sister (i dont even know her damn name) freakin punches me in the face! so we go at it and then sum one called security and so were not allowed back into monette wal-mart anymores. though it wasnt my fault, cus she started it, but i got in a few punches so its all good. but i have a giant bruise on my ribs and a black eye and a split lip. ill look purty for school ey?? lmao. but at least taylor didnt get hurt.
i love kelly!
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Bashiment, 09-01-03 11:25am

Fighting in Wal-mart.... tisk tisk. I can see the headlines now, Teens banned for local wal-mart. Hope your okay of course. I got into a fight too, lol were just a couple of suckers arent we?lol Ill tell ya bout it lata. Love Ya! K.e.

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Bashiment, 09-01-03 11:26am

Fighting in Wal-mart.... tisk tisk. I can see the headlines now, Teens banned for local wal-mart. Hope your okay of course. I got into a fight too, lol were just a couple of suckers arent we?lol Ill tell ya bout it lata. Love Ya! K.e.

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