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DarkSwordDancer (profile) wrote, on 9-1-2003 at :15pm | |
Music: Whisper |
god forbid i have a single decent week.RAARRR.Ok well my dad is being a shit and says i cant try out for the school play and i cant do science olympiad(dont care about miss spelling)but yess sp screw you dad.I had a weird dream here goes: Ok im argueing with this guy named seth and he gets so mad at me he goes and grabs a peice of glass.He slashes under my left eye and i shrug.He gets pissed off even more grabs my hand so hard it bruses and starts to cut up my right upper arm.By now for some odd reason i bleed profusely and i am really weak.Well this time i just sit there and try to stop the bleeding.He walks behind me,im sitting ontop of an old car in a corall and its raining,and he cuts up my lower back.All the time he it using this 6inch peice of glass.Well i fall over and he catches me and starts to cry as i bleed to death. It gets all black and mysty after that soo... i have never had a dream like that before. |
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untitled | 09-01-03 8:22pm I COULD EXPLAIN THIS DREAm to you cause I pretty much know exactly what it means..but Im not going to |
DarkSwordDancer | Re:, 09-01-03 10:27pm why?
silversoldier | ..., 09-01-03 10:24pm yeah.. I've never had a dying dream... so you're on your own... |