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Butterfly (profile) wrote, on 9-2-2003 at :34pm | |
Current mood: blah Music: speak-nicklecreek |
ho hum, im bored tired an bored. there is nothing to do. i hate school with a passion. my stupid history teacher spits on u when he talks and my assigned seat is right up in tha freakin front, so i get 2 showers every morning, yay! ne ways, i just got done talking to sam in tha cr and apperently shes moving to canada and marring this guy marc, that she met in tha cr....but shes not leavin till like december or maybe may. yea kinda scary, but if she loves him i caint blame her, cuz i got me a man from the cr and i love him enough to go meet him....maybe not move in and marry him yet, but deffinitly meet him..... RachelElaine |
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Valoth | 09-02-03 5:53pm True Dat girl! Sams a wifey huh? I just know shes make him happy. Hey!, she makes me happy. I know If i could id be closer to you rach. well figure somethin out this next summer or somethin...Ill work on that till it gets here. Dont forget to keep me up with sam n this husband. lol maybe we'll get invatations to her weddin, or are they eloping? lol anway love ya lots |
Butterfly | Re:, 09-02-03 7:21pm lol shhh i wasnt supposed to tell you!! lol iv already signed up for the cyber brides maid....teehee. im so cold right now...ur blankie would be usefull. its been really hot, like in the 100s lately but it droped like 30-35 degrees yesterday and today. im in a giant hoodie and flannel pj pants and sum toe huh?? lol
Valoth | Re: Re:, 09-02-03 9:08pm Wasnt supposed to tell me that sams gettin hitched? or that ur a sexy cyber girl looking for some tLc?