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Glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 9-3-2003 at 6:55pm
Current mood: cranky
Subject: Sick of everyone.
I'm sick of everything. I'm sick of a lot of people too. Espically when some people, friends or not act like they have the right to discuss you and your personal decsions when they have no clue what their talking about. I hate how people judge people who actually are very sweet, caring, funny, and perfect when they've never even talked to that person. I'm tiered of almost all of my friends being as shallow as a puddle! I'm sick of my friends changing into people their not, like I can't even trust or talk to them anymore. grrrrrrrrr I need a good cry.
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09-03-03 9:18pm


love you!!!!!!! <|:0>

YOu rock my world Pappy!!!

(reply to this)


Re:, 09-05-03 6:14am

nope I know you rock that old mans world, you know the bronco guy who winked at us. That's sick Jess! YUCK lol

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Re: Re:, 09-05-03 10:14pm

Yeah, I admit, I DO rock his world (every night! wink wink)

But you still rock mine. (not at night..) :0)

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