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punkxtrixie (profile) wrote,
on 9-7-2003 at 9:41pm
Current mood: sick
Music: tbs :: head club
Subject: nothing special.
ok so...i havent updated in a while.
is there any possible way that a medication can do exactly the opposite of what it is supposed to? i hate pascal..or w/e the fuck its called...and i hate everything right now. i am not in the mood to talk to anyone or do anything...i just want to sit here with my *emo tears* and bitch about the world.
sometimes i think that i am made to be hurt. i feel i will get hurt. i feel that hurt will kill me, expire me, end my very existence.
but thats not so bad...if i die i wont feel any pain anymore. is 8 months a long relationship?....i dont even want to think about it...its too long, too long of a time to waste on someone. oh well. im never having another relationship, ever. i hate them. and if i stay mad at this one doesnt hurt as much....hes made me stop feeling, i cant feel anything from anyone....i can barely feel anything for him...but its more than anyone else. i cant even cry anymore....theres just too much pain to get out.
oh well...thats it.
you knwo you love me,
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WHIT!, 09-08-03 10:01am

hello..its nikki. I really must say...I FUCKIN LOVE YOU WHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: WHIT!, 09-08-03 2:56pm

wow...where did that come from?

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hey there!, 09-08-03 5:26pm

Hey there...listen...I'm SO sorry about your bf or whatever...if theres anything i can do seriously i'll totally help you out with anything...I know that we dont know eachother that well...but I know what it feels like to jus...totally hate a guy for all the shit you've been through with him...and I know that love is truly hard...and 8 months is a long time! haha thats how long i was with my bf...but listen...i'm totally here for u! If you need anything you know where i'm at! bye bye girl! hope ya feel better!
Abaddon (aka Jordan)

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Re: hey there!, 09-08-03 6:10pm

wow thanks...that means a lot to me. i added you as a friend, hope you can return the favor!

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