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justplainolemica (profile) wrote,
on 9-9-2003 at 3:04pm
Current mood: confused
Music: John Mayer- Victoria
Who knows... Still not me. John and I talked and figured out this weekend but that is one of the million things that I think may be attributing to this crappy mood of mine. Oh well.... I'll just do it all and make everyone happy... screw if I'm happy. Its like when you have everyone over for christmas and you have that one piece of pie that the crust is cracked or something... you give it to yourself and not your guests. This is like that. I'll make everyone else happy. Who cares if I have a broken crust.
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John, 09-09-03 3:37pm

I was hoping that us being together would make you happy for this weekend but if it makes you feel even worse then you already do you dont have to come be with me i just wanted to see you b/c it makes me happy but if it makes you sad then i guess i just have to deal with it and let you do what you want , well i just stopped at my dads to read your journal. I'm sorry im such a shitty b/f and i cant make you happy. After we got off the phone i just had this feeling that you are going to break up with me and i dont want that b/c i love you and i dont wanna be without you but if it would make you happy i will go away forever and not bother you anymore. I love you Mica.

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