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JB1863 (profile) wrote,
on 9-9-2003 at 9:18pm
Current mood: stressed
Music: The Back To The Future Theme
ok today was my drama day. in drama 2, i helped critique all the student directed scenes with hasko, then in drama 1 i did my mime again and hasko let me take control of the class to critique the mimes, which was cool. she was impressed with my work. then in musical theatre, we learned more of I Hope I Get It, ugh, i hate dancing. i want to be working on individual things!! ok well after that i went home and watched some TV, fell asleep for like 20 mins. then i got some news from my dad who is in cali. he had to go there to go to the doctor cuz he was having pains where he had his hernia operation from like a couple years ago. well it turns out he needs some major surgery, i wont get into it but the surgery is kinda risky so i'm mad scared. dont post being all pityful for me, in fact dont even mention anything about my dad, i just needed to write it down, just be nice to me if i'm extra stressed this week cuz thats my problem. so to take my mind off of it i downloaded the sheet music for the Back To The Future theme and learned to play it on the piano. well started to learn, anyway. its hard stuff, but it sounds mad good when i do it right, so many good chords in that song. well i did that for like an hour and then i had some food and went to help hasko with parent night. i was in a somber mood cuz of the day, so when i first got there i went into the chorus room to listen to the female quartet (i love them) while they rehearsed and then parent night started. i got to see everyone's mom and dads. after it was over, i went back into chorus and hung out with the soundsation group, they all seem like cool people. i've always wanted to be in chorus but i just never had time, i've always been all in drama. oh well. did i mention i LOVE the female quartet?!?! especially liz kaizer, i'm kinda starting to like her. i dunno, i dont know her very well but she seems like a great girl, shes cute. alright well i took chris burgos home and then i came home, worked more on back to the future on the piano and now i'm drinking root beer. tomorrow we have final auditions for the variety show, i'm not worried, i have a good song picked out, its inappropriate but its good none the less. alright, i've had enough, back to the piano.

~Shout Outs~

The Female Quartet, Liz Kaizer, Minh Jatos, Chris Burgos

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09-09-03 10:21pm

harmony man

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09-09-03 10:33pm

If you start liking liz, i will castrate you .


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09-10-03 6:41am

oh my! why's that??

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