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Beagle147 (profile) wrote,
on 9-11-2003 at 10:33pm
Current mood: Grrrrr
Music: "Ants Marching" -Dave Matthews Band
Subject: Band Aid
"It's just one of those days
When you dont wanna wake up
Everything is Fucked
Everybody sucks
You dont really know why
But you want to justify
Ripping someone's head off
No human contact
And if you interact
Your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away...
...It's just one of those days.."
-Limp Bizkit, "Break Stuff"


There. I needed that. French club sucks. It can kiss my ass. THANKS FOR VOTING FOR ME GUYS!! >:o Sorry...that sarcasm was not directed at anyone really reading this, because your probably my friend, and IF you voted, I'm just going to make myself think you voted for me. But I hope Farrah or whatever goes to hell. This is so unfair. She just decided to show up and run for office?! I've put so much time and energy into this freaking club, finally work up nerves to actually run, and SHE beats me?! I hope she gets a poor on the scrapbook. She told me that she only came to run for office. That if she didnt make it she was just not going to be in French club. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HER?! Or me, I guess...I'm the one who lost. Dont pay any attention to what I'm saying really. I'm just very...bitter. Congrats to Ale and Amy though. You guys totally deserve it. UGH! I'm just SOOO pissed off though!! I'll get over it. This week has just sucked so much. This is exactly what I needed to send me over the edge. Thank you God! You really do want me to be institutionalized!! Then I wont have to take history essays!

Anyway, for those of you looking at the subject of this post and going ...quoi? (ugh, I hate french so much.) Band aid. Yes. I know that some of you...almost all of you had a HORRIBLE practice today, but I had a great time! (lack of sarcasm) I love pit this year! lol. I know you never thought you'd here me say that! Today I got the whole show, or what we have of it, memorized. I can play it ALL!!!!! Leah was like Lauren I'm so proud of you! Band makes me feel so much better this year. Practice, not class. And at practices I dont have to deal with lerner at all! It's so great. Only Markgraf. And I dont get why some of you guys hate him so much. Well, I do, but I like him anyway and so does Leah. He's a good guy people. Who none of us can STAND is Lerner. Atleast everyone in pit that I talk to think he is absolutely an idiot. That thought is actually not limited to pit people.. Music knowledge or not. He doesnt listen to anything anyone says. Well, he does listen and then "politely ignores" what you suggested. Even markgraf today was complaining that every single suggestion he has made has not even been considered. I'm really afraid that markgraf is gonna leave. I know, or hope, that he is just blowing off steam with some of the things he's said, but like he is probably the biggest reason I'm even in band at this point. You guys know well enough that if I had to deal with lerner all the time I would not be here. I love you all, but ....I cant stand the man. I think, though, that it is bad for us to have two directors at this point. Well, not necessarily bad to have two directors, but rather two directors that hate each other. I keep on thinking about how bad it is that now the directors are sending another rift through band. It was bad enough last year, in terms of number of rifts, when everybody unanimously hated voldemort. Now, on top of a few other rifts, we have the director rift. Some people hate lerner and love markgraf (*raises hand*), others hate markgraf and love lerner (o.O) and still others are what I like to call "floaters." These are the people who when you ask "Do you hate lerner as much as I do?" they answer with "that depends...what day is it?" Simple. Although I must say, this is now the biggest rift I feel personally in band. But maybe that's because I've committed the immortal sin and am a percussion player and a clarinet player at the same time. There's another funny thing. Every day I get someone new saying're in pit?!! haha. People at ATL are slow. Although people in pit constantly forget that I play clarinet in the stands and for concert and are always asking me why I am not in seventh hour. But let me tell you, we set a record time for getting all that crap back up there. Although, (and this is for Kristen) there ARE 10 of us. o.~ We made it our mission to get all the crap up before the band got in, and we so did. I think honestly that pit has a better sense of unity than most of the rest of the band. (MOST) We all help each other out. We have to. Have you ever tried to carry a marimba up those rafters by yourself?? Well? Have you?? It's cool though. Not many people realize it, or think about it. I know I didnt until...last week. Just, I have finally found a silver lining. Today was the worst day ever. Nothing made me feel better. Until like 3:10. I guess it's just good to accomplish something that no one ever would have guessed I could. I've written this in my journal like every tuesday and thursday. lol. Anywho..sorry to those of you guys who are not accomplishing things in band, or feel like you are not. I know that this year will be tough, and we probably won't get a superior, but if I stuck with marching band and joined PIT to do so, then you have to stay too. You will find your silver lining too. Don't worry about it.

I won't be in school tomorrow or at the game or online for a few days. I'm going to Gainesville to see the boy. Krystle and Adam, HAVE FUN TOMORROW NIGHT. Just do. Trust me, forget about band for the night, forget about whether or not the show is awful, or thinking that you may never get the marching right. (doodoodoodoo doodoodoodoo ...that was from Wayne's World.) Just have a good time no matter what. Well that's about it I guess. If you're wondering about the song choice, there was a point at practice today when lerner was sitting up on his pedestal, oh, sorry...bleachers, screaming at you guys to run, he's like "you should look like little ants scurrying around down there." It's also a good song. Listen to it. Oh, and just a word of advice to all you "marchers" out there, either memorize the fight song, or STRONGLY talk to lerner about not doing it in the future. It sounds so crappy and it's pointless to even play it in the first place. Don't talk to markgraf about it. He knows. But I do doubt that lerner will actually take into consideration what you have to say. So..uhh...yea. See you guys monday.

"Welcome to the real world she said to me
Take a seat
Take your life
Plot it out in black and white
Well I never lived the dream of the prom kings
And the drama queens
I'd like to think the best of me
Is still hiding up my sleeve

They love to tell you Stay inside the lines
But something's better on the other side

I want to run through the halls of my high school
I want to scream at the top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above

So the good boys and girls take the so-called right track
Faded white hat grabbing credits, maybe transfers
They read all the books but they can't find the answers
All of our parents, they're getting older
I wonder if they've wished for anything better
While in their memories, tiny tragedies

They love to tell you Stay inside the lines
But something's better on the other side

I want to run through the halls of my high school
I want to scream at the top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above

I am invincible
I am invincible
I am invincible
As long as I'm alive

I want to run through the halls of my high school
I want to scream at the top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above

I just can't wait for my ten year reunion
I'm gonna bust down the double doors
And when I stand on these tables before you
You will know what all this time was for"
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hmm, 09-13-03 3:48pm

as i sit here choosing between doing my bio stuff or reading your woohu journal... well you won. ;-)
It seems to be a reoccuring pattern that you are posting on tues and thursdays... :-)and to respond to the comment that there are some who hate markgraf and some that hate lerner and some that are inbetween... well i think i'm about the only person that is inbetween... it's just that you get to see a different side to markgraf that i don't get to see alot of the time and amy sees another totally different side to markgraf that we never see either... and in 3rd hour... markgraf doesn't talk... lerner does all the teaching so how else am i supposed to get a real good opinion of markgraf when the only time I get to actually interact with him is during lunch? I mean I love the fact that markgraf is someone that I can not be afraid to talk to about things and someone that can make me laugh and truely cares about us as individuals, but then again... there are times when he really gets to me... he was hired as the assitant director... not the head director... lerner is in charge of things and he's so jealous of lerner... and while lerner does stupid things, it is not markgraf's job to run the band... he's there to help lerner with whatever lerner needs help with... and i don't like the way he screams at the battery... he might be all fun and relaxed with you guys but he screams his head off at the bass drums even when they were messing up a tiny bit... on the other hand there is lerner... this guy knows his stuff... he knows how to make a good band... concert band that is... he knows how to achieve balance and blend and all that other musical stuff... after only an hour we improved soooo much on the star spangled banner... i want to sound good... i'm tired of sounding horrible... but on the other hand lerner has his flaws too... he always thinks he's right... and concert band wise i can't think of a time when he he hasn't benn... marching band... well that's another story... he had no idea what he was talking about when he wanted us to march off playing the fight song... it sounded and looked like crap... i don't care what lerner and ale say (just to let u know before we preformed ale gave the band a little speech about how we really didn't look that bad and the fight song wasn't terribly horrible)... he's so stubborn and his whole... your opinion doesn't matter the least bit really got to me... maybe it's because we're used to the officers and students running the band or lerner has his head so far up in the clouds that he doesn't think anyone is right but him... i personally think it is a combonation of those two... so just to let you know... i don't know... and i'm sorry to those that get angry about me being indesisive... i just can't choose one or the other... band has put me on such an emotional roller coaster like it has u lauren... i can't believe that i couldn't stop crying about band after practice on thursday... it makes me so upset to think that there is a rift in the band too... but i can't "choose" one side or the other... because while i value your opinion alot i also take into account what amy says and what nikki says and what adam says... i don't know if there will ever be a time where i can pick one... they're just people and they do stupid things but i really really think they both have good intentions deep down just like (hmm... i wonder how many people will attempt to kill me after i say this...) just like stoneman had even though she didn't know what she was doing either...
Ok i'll stop my little whatever... it's just that both of them have good sides and bad sides and sometimes i don't think that many of u guys are giving either of them the credit they deserve
as for french club... i'm really sorry... i do know how u feel to loose an election that you wanted so bad to win because you deserved it... it really really sucks but unlike me... u do have next year...
Ya i know... shut up krystle... i'm done now

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Re: hmm, 09-13-03 6:10pm

You deserved to win that position. I can't BELIEVE she won.. geez!
Woot! No more history essays! Where can I sign myself in?

I'm so proud!! You memorized all of it?! That's so amazingly great! BRAVO!
Not responding.. not responding... You know my view well enough on Markgraf, pit, band, etc. And you forgot to mention the people who hate both, regardless of what day it is.

Alright.. I'm restraining myself here in saying no. Don't even think about putting that 'breaking a record' in. Cause you have no idea what it's like. And I can't BELIEVE what happened last night. (Ask Leah.) Oh, and yes, I have tried the marimba by myself thing. As well as the bell kit and xylophone. Unity is important and because of the amount of kids in that pit and the fact that most are freshmen greatly enhances the ties.

and i don't like the way he screams at the battery... he might be all fun and relaxed with you guys but he screams his head off at the bass drums even when they were messing up a tiny bit...
Thank you Krystle, I appreciate it.

I agree.. different people see different sides and tell you stories of different things. You can only decide on what you see, what you know, and how each has affected you overall. And it has been decided in my section that we prefer Voldemort. Yes, I said it. Call us the Death Eaters then because she is better at marching band then both Lerner and Markgraf (combined or seperate). She let the drum majors and officers lead. She left traditions intact. She was more open to suggestions and views.

And not shut up Krystle. You have a right to say that stuff too.


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Re: Re: hmm, 09-14-03 4:35pm

All right... I keep forgetting what the first part of this said, so I'll answer stuff in little compartments. It's Sunday, btw, so I have the benefit of hindsight for a lot of this. Yepyep...

That song just about describes this year so far. I'm so sorry about French Club. :*( I would have voted for you if I was in it! That sucks so much though, and it's NOT fair that someone totally new should be an officer. There is nothing wrong with you, it's them. Can I get a cell near you? Anything to weasel out of history. I hate that damn class and I hate Mr. Hall, the f-ing perfectionist and his trick essay questions. [/end rant]

As for the Lerner/Markgraf debate, my two cents is basically: I'll only take Markgraf because he appears to me to be the lesser of the two evils. Lerner would be okay for JUST concert band, because that's the only think he ever freaking thinks about. Markgraf is the only one that has a clue when it comes to marching band and is not obsessed with the freaking concert festival. But the way he treats drumline just pisses me off. He has no right to scream at them for minor errors on music he has changed that day from the way it has been for 5 years. It just isn't fair. He picks on the battery, and especially Ian and the bases. Although I like that he hates Lerner, it really isn't right for him to undermine his authority by making faces behind his back as he talks or saying things about how Lerner never listens. (I'm glad to know he doesn't agree, that someone does have an ounce of sense, but it's still not right. It's very unprofessional.) The way he treats drumline though... it's making a negative impression on our new people. He won't even listen when they try to bring up what their problems are. At the game, he was standing right in front of me while we were waiting around to play the SSB and Paul came down to ask if two of the bases could switch just for the stand music. One of the ones that wanted to switch (Mike) came down too after a minute and Markgraf was very condescending to them. All they wanted was permission to switch, and he acted like they were too stupid to figure out how to do it themselves or something. After they went back he was like 'That's not so hard is it? They get so worked up over little things like that!' to us. It's not okay for him to make fun of perc to other sections, or to shred 'em up in front of us. He should have been happy they asked permission after the way he bitches about everything they do. That's just another part of the rift in the band.

Well, I'm rambling and rambling, but a lot of this should really be directed more at the directors themselves rather than your journal... Good job with your music, we need people that know their show. : D

As for Voldemort... she might have been more open that Lerner, but she did get us an excellent. And she took away so many freedoms that it makes me mad to remember. I'm glad she's gone, but I'm not exactly happy with this new situation either. I don't know which group I really fall into, Lauren, maybe I'm a floater. I see positives with both, but all the negatives are turning me off to band. The only things keeping me in are the games and CAS hours, and now the games don't even have Drum Wars. :*(

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Re: hmm, 09-15-03 5:30pm

I mean I love the fact that markgraf is someone that I can not be afraid to talk to about things and someone that can make me laugh and truely cares about us as individuals
That's exactly what I'm talking about in terms of markgraf. I dont know about anyone else, but that makes me like a person. All those things. Although he does have his flaws, he must be frustrated, or atleast I would be, because he isnt doing anything. Lerner will not let him do anything at all. The only thing he does is steel drum class. That would really get to me, just having to sit there. And on those things that lerner doesnt know what he's talking about in marching, he should know when he doesnt know what he's talking about and not be too pig headed to take some advice or suggestions. All the things that we're complaining about, well, I cant say all, but a lot, markgraf agrees with us, and has said stuff to lerner. It just pisses me off that markgraf suggests something, amy and laurel suggest something, ale suggests something, the entire officer corps suggests something...he still will not listen at all. I think he needs to take whatever it is (a grape, lol) out of his ass and realize that no matter what system he had set up in his other school, this band does NOT belong to him. It is ours. He did not have to deal with all the shit we did. He did not go through not having a director, having a rotating door of directors, whatever you want to put here. He just shows up and we're supposed to do absolutely everything he says? I'm sorry, I know he's in charge, but he has got to be willing to compromise atleast a little bit here.
And no one is mad at you for being a floater. I did not mean for that whole deal to come off as derogatory, it's just a classification. I am not asking you to take what I say here and make it your opinion, I am merely expressing my viewpoints from what I have experienced. I totally get where you're coming from. And I know that voldemort had good intentions. She was just full of crap. That's why we hated her. I honestly am starting to believe, responding to different things I have heard/read, that people forget a lot about her. I dont know if you guys all remember at all how rude she was. And I know that she took our suggestions, but that was because she had absolutely no idea what she was doing. She was just as bad as having no director, because the officers ran the band.
As far as French club goes, I see no reason why I should run again next year. Why? So I can go through last week all over again??? I'm just not gonna win. It was even worse because I really thought that I had that thing... And no shut up krystle. Go for it.

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Re: Re: hmm, 09-15-03 5:36pm

Alright, death eater, I am now convinced that no matter what, percussion will not be happy. Well, I shouldnt say that, because we dont really have a whole lot of selection, but you guys HATED stoneman with a passion! You were so upset last year all the time! The grass is always greener...

different people see different sides and tell you stories of different things. You can only decide on what you see, what you know, and how each has affected you overall.

That is exactly what I have been saying this whole time. Let me say it one more time: this journal is not meant in any way to influence people. This is just how I have been affected by things and the opinions I have formed based only on those affects. I have decided not to take anyone's opinion into account, because I think it is unfair to hate the director just because someone else does. Just as I do not expect anyone to make their opinions of people based solely on this journal or what I say. That's about it, except for another yay me for being able to play all the music! :-)

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Re: Re: Re: hmm, 09-15-03 5:42pm

Amanda, sorry, but you have the fortune of being last on the list of LONG LONG LONG posts that I had to reply to. You can find your reply buried in the other 2 replies, but as of now...I'm too lazy to write another one. Good day.

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Re: Re: Re: hmm, 09-15-03 5:59pm

Oh we sure did hate her with a passion. There were times I was ready to fling my drum at her, as were the others. But this time... this time we're beyond being upset. It is so much more. You guys will all be surprised when you see drumline next... And it will be bad.
I do say, we have a right to not be happy. Not going to start that whole 'discussion' again but we do have the right to be upset. And don't even try to say pit is fine with him or it all.

I will apologize for how my posts sound and what I say and how I end up saying it. Bad times leave me with little in the way of kind and sympathetic wording when I feel a personal hit.
You do have the right to post whatever you feel like posting here, I choose to read and post, and I know no one will be convinced to change their ways either way by what is said here.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: hmm, 09-15-03 6:19pm

Well now! : P Hahaha.

Kristen, I SO would have LOVED to see her get hit with a drum, I'm sorry you didn't do it. And YES, it would have been worth suspension. ; D

- Your new friendly neighborhood apocalyptic terror. (You know, the poker chips tell all...)

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: hmm, 09-15-03 8:25pm

NICE! The poker chips are great.

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