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DarkSwordDancer (profile) wrote,
on 9-13-2003 at :12pm
Current mood: artistic
Subject: .....
Ok i wrote this in english on friday and decided to post it so....yeah....

The Light

I sit here at my window
and stare.
I stare at the world outside my window
and wish i could visit there.
For where I am its always dark
and nothing makes a sound,
where emotion is naught,
and love is sought,
while people sit around.
These people i see are not reall
they're just the people i miss
I can see but cannot touch for if i try they blow away as if a whisp.
A whisp of smoke ,
or winter breath,
and they are no longer there.
So i sit alone once again and stare,
and stare,
and stare.

Its kinda corny/tacky in some places but i really like it none-the-less.
Post A Comment


wow, 09-13-03 9:25pm

I REALLY like did a super good job

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Re: wow, 09-13-03 9:40pm

thank you!i really appreciate that.

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yup., 09-13-03 10:25pm

I agree with Schylar. come you will be on messenger then I go to say hi, then you leave? It's just not nice= (

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Re: yup., 09-14-03 5:11pm


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yep!, 09-14-03 5:56pm

I think it's good too... but I agree, there are corny parts.... I guess it just sucks that whenever anyone really makes something they like it's sorta corny... such is life...

mmm... corn flakes...

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Re: yep!, 09-14-03 7:07pm

ty lol

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Re: yep!, 09-14-03 9:45pm

butbut....FROSTED flakes are better!! Corny, just with a lil added sweetness on top!

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