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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 9-14-2003 at 6:21pm
Current mood: blah
This weekend was crazy, and it went by so fast. I had a football game on friday, we lost, i had a tennis tournament on saturday, we lost.

I wasted a night saturday, and i was really tired, too.

Today, we went out on the boat after playing some atari and making lunch and watching fraggle rock (hehe) and we jumped off the boat in our clothes. Then we got back and sam and i jumped off the dock.

I had to come home, then, and now it sucks because i'm sorta pissed off, but i don't really know what i want right now. Well, i know two things for sure - I don't want to go back to school, and I want to ******* w*** ****. Yup, if you think you know what it is, you probably do.

good bye for now.
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what does this mean, 09-19-03 5:20pm

hey its matt, rob's friend, im very curious as to what this means, " ******* w*** ****. If ya could email me back, im curious as to what it means. Peace

Chief T

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