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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 9-16-2003 at 6:06pm
Current mood: confused
Today was a hell of a day. I didn't want to be responsible, and everything was going wrong. I'm sick and tired of all of it (well, not the fun stuff), but doing the same exact things over and over and over again are starting to make me crazy.

I need some INTELLIGENT human interaction.
Not that i haven't necessarily been getting it, just not enough.

I need a lot of other stuff too, but the time will come when i ask. The only thing that i hope is that it will be available for me. As for that, if they still read this, sam and amy and laurel know what i'm talking about.

I'm trying to figure out my perspective on life. I have all the images in my head, and a lot of it is over things that don't even matter, but just trying to put things together to come up with a final view is killing me, because i can't do it, and i always use to. I hate losing brain cells.
I need someone fun and exciting and just, well, someone to help me. I don't think that's going to happen, because i'm one weird cookie, and not many people can even understand my vocabulary and sentence structure.

I'm bound by invisible barriers, and physical barriers. And until I can get out of one or both, my life is going to be a living hell.

Well, that about sums it up for now.
Good Bye.
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09-16-03 8:14pm

hello michelle.
i am sorry that you are having a bad time of things. but don't let the stupid people get you too down, they are everywhaere and you can't beat them. but by no means should you join them. your too smart for that.
as for intellegent human interaction, i can't halp you with that one. you try and figure out if the reason is distance or my own stupidity.

tell your mom i said hello

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Re:, 09-17-03 8:14pm

Thanx, ann, at least i know one person reads my crazy ramblings..

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