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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 9-17-2003 at 5:29am
Current mood: happy
Music: Heh, LEAN ON ME lol
Subject: awwwww....he's so sweet!
ahhhhh....*smiles really big* This is good, *very* good. Just not all of them at the same time. Who would I go for first...hmm probably J., Then J., then J. hmmm crazy how all the guys I like ...their names start with a J! woooooooooo hehehehehehhe I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo friecken happy it's unbelievable.! heheh

HALF DAY! ahhhhhhh shit! I was supouse to wake up at like 4:30 so I could study cos I was so tiered last night, and I tryed to study but everytime I did, nothing was "clicking" I guess you could say, so yeah instead of doing that with the few minutes I have I'm online, addicited huh?

Well I love you Jess, KAte, Shea, And, Tare, Linds, Cass, Katie, Jak, Erika, Kevin, Britt, Emily, Emmie, Coutrney, Kahyla, Jon, Martha, Heather, Missy, Angeeh, Josh, the list goes on, and I better see comments people if you love me too!;)
LOVE YOU hehe Jess
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09-17-03 6:51am

love you. :)

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Re:, 09-17-03 4:14pm

somehow i NEVER make your list. im feeling shut down here jess....

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Re: Re:, 09-17-03 4:49pm

yes you are, you're "jac" I didn't know how you spell your name these days. You know I love you like bunches of oties! *hugz*

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09-17-03 4:43pm


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09-17-03 5:42pm

Hey kid. Love you too :)

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09-18-03 10:47am

LOVE YA!!!!!

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