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Beagle147 (profile) wrote,
on 9-18-2003 at 8:13pm
Current mood: amused
I have been amused all day. I got my music for the last(?) song of the show. (Do you hear the people sing?? lol amanda.) Anyway, Markgraf at the bottom of the page wrote "The end my friend." That amused me ALL day. Just ask people who have my 1st/2nd hour. I'm ...easily amused. Speaking of Markgraf, there is an interesting story from when you guys took your water break (singular) at practice today. I'll do it in script format, sort of.

Scene: I was practicing my part for master of the house while you guys were all getting water. I had no less than alé and adam behind me; I think krystle was there, but I dont remember. o.O I was probably around measure 20 when markgraf walked up to the marimba.

Me (immediately stopped playing): Hi. *wave*
Markgraf: How's the bass part coming?
Me: ...It's coming. I'm doing pretty well actually.
Markgraf: Ok... (waits expectantly)
Me: ...You want me to play it?!
Markgraf: Yea.
Me: Um..ok...from where?
Markgraf: How bout from 26?
Me: I haven't memorized the measure numbers, markgraf.
Markgraf: It's the pit part.
Me: This? (Play from measure 18)
Markgraf: No. It's the da da da....part. (it makes sense in my head, guys.)
Me: Ohhh! (Play from the right spot this time, virtuously flawlessly :-D)
Krystle: Ohhh! Lauren's got skills!
Markgraf: Yea, she's skillin'. That's what I'm going to call you now: Skillet.
Me: o.O

Later that day....(or after practice for all of you counting (non-lerner style, that is!))

Markgraf (after a brief conversation with a band parent): ...Right, Skillet?
Me: ...uhhh...sure. You're going to call me that forever now aren't you?
Markgraf: Yea, and I'm going to make everyone else call you that too.
Me: Bye Mr. Markgraf. I'll see you tomorrow. (walk away slowly)

So that was my practice today. We (markgraf, me, jen, and leah) also stood up in the back while lerner was talking (I mean...) and looked at the picture from last year. He was commenting on how he couldnt believe it was only taken last year, since some of the people looked SO different. Lots of changing hair styles this summer.. Anyway...other than that, today was rather uneventful..

We're discussing stress in health class, so we spent a majority of the class telling jokes. You know, because laughing is the best way to relieve stress. :-) IM me if you're stressed out! I've got a few good ones now! o.~ Got chem tests back...I still have a B in the class, but I'm very thankful we're about to do a lab. IF I actually do well on it, since I dont really know how he grades them.. I have another song to learn on the marimba, which I think I mentioned, but my life is now complete. Every year I have one thing that makes my life complete. Last year it was finally figuring out the origin of the word 'Alphabet'. This year it's learning the Rugrats theme song on the marimba. Freaking awesome. Let's see...I'm trying to think of everything else that's worth typing.. OH! I almost forgot!! I'm so going to the ataris concert! Woot! Everybody go! It's only 12 bucks! General Admission! It's gonna rock the house! If I think of anything else, I'll post it up someday, but I think that's about it for today. Today was just generally good overall. I like good days. I'll leave you with some Ataris.

Being grown up isn’t half as fun as growing up
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters is just following your heart
And eventually you’ll finally get it right.

Breaking into hopes of swimming pools, and reeking havoc on our world.
Hanging out at truck stops just to pass the time.
The black top’s singing me to sleep.
Lighting fireworks in parking lots,
Illuminate the blackest nights.
Cherry cokes under this moonlight summer sky.
2015 Riverside, it’s time to say goodbye.
Get on the bus, it’s time to go.

Being grown up isn’t half as fun as growing up
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters is just following your heart
And eventually you’ll finally get it right.
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09-18-03 9:29pm

*points and laughs some more* SKILLET!
We will call you that from now on, muahaha. (We? I'm turning schizo. o.0;;; )
Anyways, that's an awesome story, lol. Easily amused is fun. : D
Ataris rock my socks, and you should listen to Saves the Day (the band) too, like I said. ^_~

And yes, I do hear the people sing. I also dreamed a dream about the master of the house at the end of the day.
My new favorite word: spiffeh!

This random post was brought to you by the number i and the letter É.

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Re:, 09-18-03 9:37pm

ok, this one will be in list form.

1. GRR!
2. Yea, you are turning schizo. It's from all the psych classes. :-P That's what you get for not taking IB music!!
3. That SO is a song.
4. And yes, I do hear the people sing. I also dreamed a dream about the master of the house at the end of the day. That is just plain awesome.
5. Spiffeh is so not a new favorite word of yours.
6. Listen to sesamia street (download it) to get why that letter and number thing is especially funny to those of us already corrupted by listening to said selection.
7. Ehh, that's about it.

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