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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 9-23-2003 at 6:20pm
Current mood: calm
Music: Alliayah-I miss you
Subject: It'll never be the same.
I realized today, things will never be the same. He's hurting her, and he's hurting me. He know's he's not the same, and he cares, but doens't do anything. She crys, I cry, and it doens't matter. Sometimes people are just really good talkers, and that's all they are is all talk. I trust and cared for him, and she loves him, yet...he still doesn't care. Oh-well, really, what else can we do? matter how hard we try, it's a two way
street and only one side's being used.
Today really sucked! I just wanted to be with him, to just walk up, wrap my arms around him, and just cry to him. But I couldn't and then after school when he was leaving....ehhh didn't go over so well. I really hate this I'm sick of waiting, I'm sick of being unhappy, and I told myself yesterday I just woudln't care, but we both know that I do. And that's why I'm being fucked over! oh well, not much I can do. I just really want to be happy again...and I can't.
After School me and Dev hung out poor girl, I love her to peices. We walked over to the park and sat on the swings and totally said everything, and I was basically in tears from this really shitty day I've had. And it's still getting worse, rock on man! Not really...yeah... then we watched Linds and Tare's tennis match and now I'm home waiting.....and waiting...for him as usual. This is bs and I know it, and he knows it, god damn I really need jus to have someone say you know what Jess I love you you're a great friends, yada, but fucking day has been the worse I'm out, wow I can't believe I just said that gawdd!!!!!!! <3 Jess
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09-24-03 7:04am

Hey Jess.... you're way more than a great friend. You are a WONDERFUL friend. You mean so much to so many people, you just don't realize it. Cheer up sweetie, I love you.

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Re:, 09-24-03 7:18pm

Tare, I can't thank you enough for saying that. YOu don't know how much I needed that, and how much it means. I love you bunches! Happy Aniversary!

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