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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 9-24-2003 at 1:48am
Current mood: Lost
Music: Nirvana: Plateau
How do I put this shit into words? What is this? Am I really ready for this? What do I really want? What the fuck?
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09-24-03 10:03am

Man, I enjoyed the rants on Josh. He sounds a lot like my ex-boyfriend; cool at first, but then inconsiderate in the end with the common sense of a rock. In fact, you inspired me to write one of these journals of my own for shits and giggles.
Sounds like you've got life problems and i've been there myself. I'm still wondering what to do with my life and asking if college was even worth it and wondering if coming out really made me better at all and trying to find something to give me and my life some important purpose as if that's what it needs.
I do know that all problems seem to right themselves in the end usually after finding what will make you happy and determining who your friends really are and then taking everything that gets your life down and giving them a major ass-kicking.
And then going to Abercrombie to drool at hotties doesn't hurt either.

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Re:, 10-07-03 10:32pm

You know what? Abercrombie does sound like fun right now. Maybe I’ll go to the mall on Thursday. I need new shoes and it wouldn’t hurt to check out the eye candy as I walk around.

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