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plainmornings (profile) wrote, on 9-15-2002 at 7:25pm | |
i suppose an update would be adequate. lets see.. i haven't updated since the 10th which was last Tuesday... Wed-Thurs blah. Friday we played Palm Beach Lakes, we won 39-7. Our team always has to mess up and let the other team score before they get their act together.. I went into another screaming frenzy and lost my poor voice again. We marched decently.. well.. my line did anyways.. I <3 my tbones!!! you guys are the greatest, really. Saturday. Consisted of biology, getting yelled at about my $650 phone bill, more biology, more getting yelled at and somewhere in between I was told I couldn't go 2 either Sam's party or the Suicide Machines show ;0( that made me really mad. Then my dad came home & calmed my mom down so she let me go out with Chris. It was really nice. We went to see Barbershop which I thought was a terrible movie.. I think it put a lot of bad connotation to black people but whos asking me... well yeah. On the way out of Muvico I heard someone say "hey, thats Vivi in that car" to which I turned and saw Jamie Kinsella frantically waving at me. Apparently they were hitchiking to Jamba Juice. I convinced Chris to take them there cuz i'm a worry wort and such. On the way over I lectured them on the dangers of hitchhiking and such but I don't think they were really listening anyways. After we dropped the girls off we headed east to the beach. We spent a good 2 & half hours there.. it was really nice. We just talked and talked and talked.. really makes me reconsider football players lol well.. maybe I wouldn't go that far.. well... we left the beach a bit after 11 and he dropped me off. A nice night most definately. Its kinda funny.. everyone seriously thinks we're going out.. so far I've heard that some people aren't too happy about this. I honestly don't know what he thinks of it but from the signals and such it kinda seems like its a reciprocated platonic relationship. I think I prefer that.. things are quite crazy and such. I was quite pissed off to have to wake up at 8am to go to church but we went to brunch after which was nice. I've been studying bio.. planning the study group for tomorrow at Barned and Nobles and umm thats pretty much it. Oh yeah. Best bet is to find me at my home #... parents aren't too happy w/the cell phone bill... aren't happy at all in fact. I don't think i'll be using it for quite a while. hey (you) i hope you're having a wonderful time doing whatever you're doing.. i miss you. |
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STOPSTARINGATMYPENUSOKTHNXBYBY | 09-16-02 3:43pm Hey cool, I hit your journal on the random thingy! |
saxonthebeach | 09-16-02 4:49pm You best not be trying to replace me with a football player! :oP |
plainmornings | Re:, 09-16-02 8:14pm you of all people should know... Kevy Wevy most definately comes first before ANYONE!! i miss you soo much Kev... bleh.. I think its just recently hit me.. like band stuff w/o you or weekends when i have nothing to do.. noone to save me :0( I can only count the days until Thanksgiving when I'll get to spend a few meager hours with you.. then another month but hey, you come back on my bday :0) sooo that makes me happy. |
music_chick018 | yo, 09-16-02 10:44pm Hey! I finally got your notes on my journal! I have been so busy with school. You sound cool and like we would have a lot in common :) We should talk! :)Peace!
plainmornings | Re: yo, 09-16-02 10:58pm heh yeah.. i completely forgot that i posted those... anyways yeah, it'd be great if we talked!
lifeisgood | 09-17-02 4:32pm Vivi + Chris = mucho lurrrrrvvvveeee... especially in bio. :O) |
ShadowCow | Re:, 09-17-02 5:46pm bio eh? |
plainmornings | Re:, 09-17-02 6:57pm lol no. not really. I get mucho abused by him in bio.. but hey, i won the marker war today! did you see all the pink highlighter on his arm?? haha it was GREAT! ummmm yeah. We joke bout it a lot bout how everyone thinks we're going out but as far as i'm concerned we're nothing more then an "item" lol ehh so vivi + chris = not going out as far as Vivi knows. You have the coolest hair Megan... I enjoyed pulling on it today :0) |
plainmornings | Re: Re:, 09-17-02 6:58pm ehh. read what I wrote to Megan. that explains pretty much. |
kickass1157 | t-bones rock., 09-21-02 3:27pm we all <3 you too vivi. ;) lol. DONT FORGET TO WRITE ABOUT RICH! or were you jus kidding? i know he has a woohu journal somewhere, but i duno his sn. well <3