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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 9-17-2002 at 9:23pm
Music: The Vandals - I have a date
update time. Study session on Mon was okay. Don't think I really accomplished too much... Chris read to me in French, he read Le Petit Prince.. it was cute :0) then he left early 4 football practice & I was bored.

Today was ehh. studied my ass off for the stupid biology test that I proly failed anyways :0(

Found out today that I'm just about 90% positive that I made Festival of Winds which rox cept i'm guna miss the Prizm concert @ FSU :0( O well.

Old school stuff.. my brother and I found the CDs for Oregon Trail and Oregon Trail 2. I sucessfully died in both of them. Wonderful lol

Band sucked. Its not very productive right now ehh. I'm kinda tired. I'm really tired of getting yelled at. Yes.
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09-17-02 9:48pm

oregon trail is the best game ever. i die all the time too. rok

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09-17-02 11:41pm

I remember all I used to do was hunt...I probably starved all those poor indians to death...


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09-18-02 7:25pm

"yo! i bet i can rack up more buffalo then your puny 37!"

and they say max payne drives kids to murder

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Re:, 09-18-02 8:07pm

haha you guys are all trips ;0P I suck. I used 9 bullets to kill one buffalo thing.. the really big slow moving ones lol

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09-19-02 12:33am

whoa! the little prince is my favorite book ever. i did my high school senior paper on it, and have explored it inside and out. aww, what a smile.

the end

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Re:, 09-19-02 6:46pm

heh I've seen the movie too! Its wonderful. Very nice in French :0)

you're from Wilmington, North Carolina... I know bunches of people from there! Thats where Dawson Creek was filmed too right?

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09-20-02 12:10am

yes, that's where it is filmed.

and, another thing about the book is that it was originally in french. someone gave me the first edition in french as a present once. awesome. the movie is creepy though, esp Gene Wilder.


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