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TBoblp (profile) wrote, on 10-2-2003 at 10:25pm | |
I really miss all my friends that I used to talk to and hang out with all the time. It seems IB has a funny way killing friendships. I long for the summer where 'I'm too busy' is never heard and people are always smiling. I'm sorry that I haven't always done what i should have regarding my friendships, more of an apology to myself. I've really let myself down for highschool if it stays this way until I go to college. I'm sorry I haven't always been the best friend anyone would want and I am sorry for the friendships I have broken through pure ignorance and stupidity on my part. I care about these things. If I could start over I would have done everything differently. My job is so great. When I'm there it's like a different world because we all get along so well and talk about anything and everything forever. it's like a huge family of people who work there and their friends. I could be feeling in the worst mood one could think of and going to work would make it better. but when i get home the falseness comes through. these arent my real friends. but then i think about what my real friends are. at school there are people that i talk to at lunch and in the hall, etc, and we claim to be friends but i get home and it seems not so. I will not complain however (and have not, simply apologizing to myself and tohers), I do not need anyone and certainly nobody needs me. I could be without a relationship for my entire life as lnog as I have music. Not saying that I wouldn't love to find someone as passionate about lfie as i am to spend their time with me. being in a world filled with almost every teen having to be different and care about things, i find myself not caring. screw politics, i wont vote. i dont need to take a stand for the purpose of taking a stand. politics disillusion me. screw religion, i live for today, not for what comes after death. I'm going to go see school of rock tommorrow night by myself. i mention by myself because i have never gone to a movie by myself in my life lol. My cd track list is complete. All i need now is to fix my electric and ge that digital recorder and mic i need. maybe ill just make this an acoustic album. 7 songs, all with the hell am i gonna sing? i suck at it. |
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xotinytinkxo | :/, 10-02-03 11:20pm i feel the same way that you do...only i'm still in ib. we need to hang out. i never get to see you.
Anonymous | 10-03-03 12:04pm Anyone who has you as a friend is extremely lucky. You have so much to offer the world. Remember, high school is not your will become a faint memory some day. Concentrate on college, those are the friendships you'll maintain. The H.S. friends that are "really" friends will be there along the way. |
DragonSpeaker | 10-04-03 9:09pm : / You're right about IB. Your IB friends probably wish it was summer again too, when things are so much simpler... If people are really your friends, they're your friends forever, not just for a while. Don't blame yourself, friendship takes effort from both people to work.
batgirl13 | 10-05-03 10:08pm that makes no sense to me whatsoever |